
The National Court’s Prosecutor’s Office sends its investigations into Sánchez’s doll to a Madrid court that was already investigating the case

The Prosecutor’s Office of the National Court has agreed to send to a Madrid court the investigations carried out in relation to the events reported by the PSOE and that occurred last New Year’s Eve next to the party’s national headquarters on Ferraz Street, when a man was hanged and beaten. doll identified with the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez. It indicates that it thus concludes its pre-procedural proceedings given that the matter has already been prosecuted.

This is stated in a decree from the lieutenant prosecutor of the AN, Marta Durántez, collected by Europa Press, which indicates that the proceedings were initiated on January 12 after receiving a transfer from the State Attorney General’s Office of the political party’s complaint, and that on the morning of January 22, ten days later, they learned “of the presentation before the investigative courts of Madrid of a police report for the same events.”

Durántez explains in his decree that this police report was finally handed over to an investigative court; legal sources consulted indicate that it is number 26, and that he agreed to initiate preliminary proceedings.

After remembering that article 773.2 of the Criminal Procedure Law (LECrim) establishes that “the prosecutor will cease his proceedings as soon as he is informed of the existence of a judicial procedure on the same facts”, agrees to the referral of the investigation to the court that has handled the matter, directed by the judge Concepción Jerez.

In this sense, the lieutenant prosecutor not only agrees to send her investigations to that court “for their joining to the previous proceedings” but also agrees to inform the PSOE of this step so that it can exercise “whatever suits its right before said judicial body.” .

The PSOE complaint

In their complaint, almost 60 pages long, and to which Europa Press had access, the socialists pointed to a possible crime of inciting hatred based on political ideology. Since this type of crime can only be applied if it is exercised against vulnerable groups, they argued thatand the PSOE He was persecuted during the Franco dictatorship and during the Civil War.

In addition, they included other possible crimes, such as incitement to violence and assassination; insults against the authority in the exercise of their office; serious insults and threats to the Government of the nation; threats to the President of the Government and the PSOE and its militants as a social group – with an aggravating factor of ideological discrimination -; crime of unlawful assembly or demonstration; or public disorder, the latter being the one that can carry the greatest penalty: 5 years in prison.

They also considered that a crime of illegal financing may have been committed by Vox because, in their opinion, there have been coordinated and organized actions that entail obtaining financial funds for the organization of events that seem to have “a common link” with this formation. .

Linking with Vox

In this sense, The PSOE emphasized the link between the promoters of the event and the party of Santiago Abascal, the youth organization Revuelta, based on journalistic information that places it as an entity related to Vox.

The complaint detailed that one of the leaders of Revuelta, Pablo González Lasca, is responsible for the party’s Digital Marketing, and “it appears that he works in close connection with the Vox deputy, Manuel Mariscal, at the head of the national deputy secretary of Communication.”

In any case, The PSOE clarified that Revuelta is not legally constituted as an association and, therefore, other associations were used, such as Plataforma 711 and ASOMA, which do have a legal formula that allows them to contract and request administrative authorizations.

The socialists specified that Platform 711 was registered by a group of people, including Santiago Aneiros and Javier Majadas, Vox candidates in the municipal elections last May in the town of Algente (Madrid). Another of them, Sergio Garrudo, is the son of Ricardo Garrudo, founder along with Santiago Abascal of the DENAES Foundation, later president of the party in Cantabria until October 2022.

Finally, to underline the relationship that in his opinion exists between Vox and the events reported, the PSOE alleged that what happened on December 31 was “the culmination” of the “harassment” of socialist headquarters in different parts of Spain, also recalling the statements made by Abascal on December 10 to an Argentine media. “There will be a time when the people will want to hang Pedro Sánchez by the feet,” he said.

The grape presenters

The socialists also focused on the presenters of the event, “María Durán and Isaac Parejo”, highlighting that in an interview that both gave in the previous days, they appreciated “the attitude with which the event was prepared, which manifests the premeditated intention of lynching and hatred towards the president, the Government and the PSOE that presided over the call”.

The complaint also highlights that during the broadcast “they heated up the atmosphere” and moments before taking the grapes Parejo declared: “Fuck Pedro Sánchez, son of a bitch.” And when they asked him what he asked for the new year 2024, he answered: “Happy year 2024, happy year 2024 to everyone, happy 1936 for the fucking red shit.”

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