
The PP leans towards an immediate sanction against Monasterio after his irregular vote to wear down Vox

“If he has to leave, it will be his fault. is amortized“. In the PP they are going after her and Rocío Monasterio accuses the wear. This Friday the Assembly Table of Madrid has its usual meeting to discuss the following week’s issues. On the agenda, the president of the regional parliament, Enrique Ossoriohas included starting the process to investigate What happened on February 1 in the seat of the former Vox deputy, José Luis Ruiz Bartolomé, where while he was absent, a vote was recorded as if he were still a member of the chamber. The assumption ghost vote that Monasterio admitted only as a “technical error” will foreseeably be sanctioned and the Board must decide whether to opt for a procedure that can take weeks in a commission or if it is the governing body of the Assembly itself that will directly carry out the process.

The result, in either of the two procedures, seems clear after the president of the regional government, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has suggested in plenary that if someone makes “huge mistakes”, such as this supposed irregular vote, “they will have to be fined “. The moorings between the two have been broken, asking for a sanction that could mean the chamber ejection It is going one step further than what the Madrid leader has gone so far. Her suggestion was immediately answered by the spokesperson for the far-right party, who beyond speculating that Ayuso has an “obsession” with her and that “she is focused on expelling Rocío Monasterio from the Pleno, instead of being focused on expelling the menas from Madrid,” she denounced that these statements are an “order” for the president of the Assembly to sanction her.

Chamber sources indicate that there is a “cruelty“Evidently of the PP with Vox in this case. They recognize that “there are no precedents” for a similar case and that there is a breach of the rules by the spokesperson of the ultra party, but it could have been solved with a “admonition“, that is, a verbal or written warning of the offense committed, not necessarily a sanction that can translate into a economic fine or in which Monastery it is suspended as deputy for a period of between 15 and 30 days, as stated in the regulations. The strategy that the PP of Madrid began in September to banish Vox as a future political rival In just five months it has reached a level of wear and tear that the Monasterio itself has “served on a platter” after what happened with last week’s vote, they report in the regional parliament.


Sources close to Ossorio explain that now a process will be opened “with a period of allegations” where “the defense is guaranteed” and that from the opening of the process a ruling will be made. who is the instructor, “which can be a deputy or someone from the Board itself.” While in the PSOE it is not clear that this could be the case and they believe that the matter should automatically go to the Statute Commission, sources from the chamber explain that the Assembly’s own regulations establish that the Board is competent to “initiate, process and resolve, through a simplified procedure” (article 39) actions that threaten “the dignity of the Madrid Assembly or against discipline, order or parliamentary courtesy, causing, in the latter case , disorder with their conduct, in deed or word”, as indicated in article 33. And this is exactly the article on which the Presidency has based itself to start the whole matter, as popular sources explain.

With the simplified procedure “deadlines are shortened” and the sanction can be “imminent” if the PP wants, it can be resolved in just “10 or 15 days.” But in their eagerness to ensure that there are no fringes those that the Monastery can cling to to denounce lack of guarantee, the popular debate what “margin” is given to the Vox spokesperson to prepare her allegations and defend herself. In any case, if the Board assumes the investigation, the process will surely be shorter than in the commission, parliamentary sources assure.

President Ossorio She warned Monasterio last Monday, when the investigation was announced, that after five years a representative should know the rules and operation of the house, pointing out that voting from a seat cannot be a technical error, as she said. This Thursday she preferred not to enter the public debate on this matter again. Sources from the Assembly assure that parliament workers also do not feel good that Vox “blames the technicians” every time it makes a mistake or has a problem. And they remember, to prepare the final thrust, that Ayuso did not go to vote that day because he had other matters on the agenda and at his table the system was not open and no one voted. Therefore, the “signs of non-compliance are evident” in the case of Monasterythey insist.

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