
The PSC assures that if Feijóo did not agree with Puigdemont it was because of Vox

Yeah Alberto Núñez Feijóo did not weave an investiture pact with Carles Puigdemont It is not because he was not willing to pardon or amnesty independentists to be president, but because Vox would not have given its support to that agreement. This is the thesis defended by the PSC after the PP revealed that it was considering ways to exonerate leaders of the ‘procés’. The match of Salvador Illa accuses the popular of “hypocrites” for “setting the streets on fire” at the expense of the amnesty law while they were negotiating with the post-convergents.

After the controversy that has stirred the waters in Genoa in the middle of the final stretch of the Galician election campaign, the socialists have come out in a rush to put their finger on a sore that they know puts Feijóo at the center of the hurricane. “If it did not reach a pact with Together “It was due to the impossibility of reaching an agreement with Vox,” said the PSC spokesperson, Elia Tortolerowho has argued that politicians should say “the same thing” when they are in public as when they are meeting in private.

“The PP prefers to lie”

The leader has claimed that both the PSC and the PSOE have been working for some time to “turn the page” to the ‘procés’ in Catalonia through the dejudicialization while at all times the PP has gone “against” without caring that this was to the detriment of “coexistence” and “reunion.” A reunion, which Tortolero has insisted, cannot be achieved by agreeing “secret pardons” or making “inflammatory” speeches. “He PP prefers to lie “We have to work for solutions,” he concluded. In fact, Feijóo’s party has been calling demonstrations in Madrid and also in Barcelona for months to protest against the amnesty that the PSOE is trying to reach an agreement with the independence movement.

What the PSC has avoided answering is why it believes that the popular people have slipped this information right at this moment, when the presidency of the Xunta is at stake, and only three days after the “everything will be known” that Puigdemont dropped in the letter sent to the MEPs last Thursday. The Comuns have attributed this action to the fact that the PP fears that the former president will reveal the entire content of the negotiations, something that has prompted him to do so much Together like PNV.

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