
The Transport Platform calls off the strike that began on Saturday in support of farmers

The president of the Platform for the Defense of the Road Freight Transport Sector, Manuel Hernández, offers statements to the media.

The Platform for the defense of the national and international road freight transport sector, an organization of transport companies carriers, has called off the indefinite strike this Monday night that had started this Saturday with which they joined the protests and the strike of farmers and ranchers promoted by the Platform 6-F. In a brief statement, the platform has reported that in the next few hours they will make the “corresponding statements and explanations” after calling off the strike at 9:00 p.m. this Monday, February 12.

The Carrier platform It is a small employer that paralyzed a good part of economic activity in March 2022 throughout the country with a strike in the sector and has taken advantage of the tensions in the agriculture sector, which began two weeks ago in France and have spread to the rest of Europe, to join these protests. In November 2022, this association threatened to call another lockout to repeat the success achieved a few months before, but on that occasion it did not manage to transcend and in just a few days it had to be suspended.

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