
The weather in Alcalá la Real: weather forecast for today, Sunday, February 11

Today in Alcalá la Real, a day mostly covered with mist is expected in the early morning hours. Throughout the day, the sky will remain overcast, with the possibility of light rain during the afternoon. The temperature will range between 2°C and 10°C, being colder in the early morning and warmer during the afternoon. Relative humidity will be high, reaching values ​​close to 100% during the early morning and morning hours, and decreasing slightly during the afternoon.

As for the wind, the northwest direction will predominate during the morning, with speeds of up to 19 km/h. As the day progresses, the wind will turn towards the west and southwest, with speeds that will range between 4 km/h and 21 km/h.

During the night, fog is expected to occur in the area, which could affect visibility. Therefore, caution is recommended when driving.

Regarding the probability of precipitation, it is expected to be low during the morning, increasing from midday and reaching its peak during the afternoon, with a 100% probability of light rain. There is also a 30% chance of thunderstorms during the afternoon.

In summary, a mostly covered day is expected in Alcalá la Real, with the possibility of little rain during the afternoon. The temperature will be cool, ranging between 2°C and 10°C. It is recommended to be prepared for rain and fog, and take precautions when driving.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-10T22:42:12.

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