
The weather in Castilleja de la Cuesta: weather forecast for today, Sunday, February 11

Today in Castilleja de la Cuesta, a day with mostly cloudy skies is expected. During the morning and afternoon, the sky will be cloudy, with some scarce rain. The temperature will remain between 9 and 14 degrees, with a relative humidity that will range between 67% and 97%.

Overnight, skies will be overcast, with a slight decrease in the chance of rain. The temperature will remain around 13 degrees, with a relative humidity of 69%.

As for the wind, the northeast direction will predominate, with speeds that will range from 2 to 22 kilometers per hour. During the morning and afternoon, maximum wind gusts of up to 18 kilometers per hour are expected.

In summary, today Castilleja de la Cuesta A mostly cloudy day is expected, with some light rain during the morning and afternoon. Temperatures will remain mild, ranging between 9 and 14 degrees. It is recommended to bring an umbrella or raincoat, as there is a possibility of rain. In addition, it is important to dress appropriately due to the relative humidity that will be present throughout the day.

Remember that these forecasts are subject to change, so it is advisable to keep an eye on weather updates throughout the day.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-10T22:42:12.

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