
The weather in El Viso del Alcor: weather forecast for today, Tuesday, February 13

Today in The Viso del Alcora day is expected with fog in the early morning. According to the data provided, the fog will be present from midnight to 9 in the morning, with a constant temperature of 15 degrees and one 100% relative humidity. As the morning progresses, the fog will begin to dissipate and give way to a light haze around 11am.

Throughout the day, the sky will be mostly overcast, with high clouds that will gradually clear towards the afternoon. The temperature will increase, reaching 20 degrees around 4 in the afternoon. Relative humidity will decrease as the day progresses, reaching 79% in the afternoon.

As for the wind, the northeast direction will predominate with variable speeds. During the morning, the wind will be light, with speeds between 4 and 10 km/h. However, starting at midday, an increase in wind intensity is expected, reaching speeds of up to 27 km/h at night.

As for precipitation, no rain is expected throughout the day, with a value of 0 mm in each time period. The chance of precipitation and thunderstorms is also low, with a 10% chance during the morning and a 0% chance during the afternoon and evening.

In short, the day The Viso del Alcor It will be mostly cloudy, with fog in the early morning hours and light haze mid-morning. The temperature will increase, reaching 20 degrees in the afternoon. The wind will be variable, with a predominance of the northeast direction and moderate speeds. No rain or storms are expected throughout the day.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-12T22:41:09.

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