
The weather in Martos: weather forecast for today, Monday, February 12

Today in Martosa day is expected with overcast skies and Scarce rain for most of the day. The temperature will range between 12 and 17 degrees , with a relative humidity that will remain high, reaching values ​​close to 98%. He wind will blow mainly from the westwith speeds that will range from 13 to 35 km/h.

During the early morning and early morning hours, the sky will be overcast and there will be little rain. The temperature will remain around 12 degrees, with a relative humidity close to 97%. The wind will blow from the southwest with a speed of 16 km/h.

As the morning progresses, the sky will continue to be cloudy and light rain will persist. The temperature will increase slightly, reaching 13 degrees, while the relative humidity will remain high, around 97%. The wind will turn to the west and increase its speed to 21 km/h.

During the afternoon, the sky will remain overcast, although the scarce rains could decrease. The temperature will reach 16 degrees, with a relative humidity that will drop slightly to 77%. The wind will blow from the west with a speed of 13 km/h.

At night, the sky will be mostly cloudy, without significant rain. The temperature will drop to 12 degrees, with relative humidity that will remain high, around 91%. The wind will blow from the south with speeds between 4 and 10 km/h.

In summary, a day with overcast skies and little rain is expected in Martos. Temperatures will remain mild, ranging between 12 and 17 degrees. Relative humidity will be high throughout the day, while the wind will blow mainly from the west. It is recommended to bring an umbrella and appropriate clothing for the rain.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.

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