
The weather in Osuna: weather forecast for today, Sunday, February 11

Today in Osuna, a day with changes in weather conditions is expected. According to the data provided, the sky will be mostly clear during the early morning and morning hours, with some scattered clouds starting in the afternoon. However, as the afternoon progresses, skies are expected to become overcast and cloudy.

During the morning, temperatures will remain cool, around 9-10 degrees. As the day progresses, temperatures will increase, reaching 14 degrees during the afternoon. At night, temperatures will remain mild, around 16 degrees.

Regarding the probability of precipitation, it is expected that there will be no significant rain during the morning and afternoon. However, starting in the afternoon, there is a 25% chance of light rain. At night, this probability increases to 45%.

Additionally, fog is expected during the afternoon and evening, which could affect visibility in the area. Therefore, caution is recommended when driving or engaging in outdoor activities.

As for the wind, the southeast direction will predominate for most of the day, with speeds that will range between 8 and 17 km/h. However, during the afternoon and evening, the wind is expected to be more intense, reaching speeds of up to 29 km/h.

In summary, for today Osuna A day with clear skies in the morning, increasing cloudiness throughout the day, possibility of little rain in the afternoon and night, fog and mild temperatures is expected. It is recommended to be prepared for changes in weather conditions and take the necessary precautions.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-10T22:42:12.

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