
The weather in Palma del Río: weather forecast for today, Sunday, February 11

Today in Palm Rivera day is expected with changes in weather conditions. According to the data provided, the sky will be mostly clear during the early morning and morning hours, with some scattered mists and fogs. However, as the day progresses, the sky is expected to become cloudy and Scarce rain.

During the morning, the temperature will remain around 7 degrees, with a relative humidity of 90%. He wind will blow mainly from the southwest with a speed of 7 km/h. As the day progresses, the temperature will increase slightly, reaching 11 degrees during the afternoon. The relative humidity will gradually decrease, reaching 73% in the afternoon.

Starting at noon, rainfall is expected to begin, although it will be scarce. The chance of rain will be 100% during the afternoon and will decrease to 35% overnight. The expected rainfall amount will be 0.2 mm during the morning and will increase to 5 mm during the afternoon. However, as the night progresses, the light rainfall will reduce to 0.3 mm.

As for the wind, it is expected to blow mainly from the east during the afternoon, with speeds ranging between 12 and 26 km/h. During the night, the wind will change direction towards the northeast, with speeds decreasing to 7 km/h.

In summary, today Palm River A day with changes in weather conditions is expected. The sky will be mostly clear during the early morning and morning hours, with scattered mists and fogs. As the day progresses, the sky will become overcast and there will be little rain. The temperature will fluctuate between 7 and 11 degrees, with a relative humidity that will gradually decrease. The wind will blow mainly from the southwest during the morning and will change direction towards the east and northeast during the afternoon and evening.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-10T22:42:12.

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