
The weather in Puente Genil: weather forecast for today, Monday, February 12

Today in Genil Bridge, a day with overcast skies and little rain is expected during the morning and afternoon. The temperature will remain constant throughout the day, with values ​​around 16 degrees. Relative humidity will be high, reaching 98% during the morning and gradually decreasing throughout the day.

During the morning, the wind is expected to blow from the southwest at a speed of 13 km/h, increasing to 34 km/h during the afternoon. At night, the wind will decrease in intensity to 4 km/h, blowing from the west.

The probability of precipitation will be 100% during the early morning and morning hours, decreasing to 55% during the afternoon and reaching 0% at night. Additionally, there is a 50% chance of thunderstorms during the early morning and morning hours, which will decrease to 30% during the afternoon and reach 0% overnight.

As for the state of the sky, it will be overcast throughout the day, with high clouds during the afternoon and evening. In addition, the presence of fog is expected during the morning.

The day will begin with sunrise at 08:12 and end with sunset at 18:55.

In summary, today Genil Bridge A day with overcast skies and little rain is expected, with mild temperatures around 16 degrees. Relative humidity will be high and the wind will blow from the southwest during the morning and afternoon, decreasing in intensity at night. There is a chance of precipitation and storms during the morning and afternoon, which will decrease throughout the day.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-11T22:41:10.

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