
There will not be a prosecutor – Diario Córdoba

The prosecutor who has investigated Joe Biden for various shenanigans questions his capacity as president. The question arises spontaneously, is there no prosecutor in Spain, or judge, who questions Pedro Sánchez’s ability to be where he is? On Friday, two huge drug boats attack a small Civil Guard zodiac (for lack of better means), and murder three agents. The left-wing press says that the agents were killed and that they were in a patrol boat, the left-wing press has a very particular vision of the dichotomies of dying/being murdered and patrol boat/inflatable boat. They are no longer surprising. While Pedro Sánchez loves the song ‘Zorra’ for Eurovision, the field burns; the country is blocked; the Peronist Pope tells the vice president in the middle of the Galician campaign to “not let up”, without there being a diplomatic note of protest; the Minister of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (there are titles that make you laugh and sad), the one with the sandwich (she didn’t stay to eat because she preferred a sandwich in her official car), goes to Belmez to not resolve anything about the water in Guadiato and Pedroches and postpones the solution for another year. This is the Sánchez government, to stick to the 2,150 characters in this column. It is not worth it for his own, I say, nor for his armchair and his Monclovita mattress: despite leading the president of the Constitutional Court, the Attorney General of the State, and, it is assumed that by affinity, those judges who usually call themselves progressive , the guy is not going to do well even with that Catalan affair full of soft terrorism that is/is not, full of embezzlement for a good purpose, and peppered with Russians who perhaps tells us that they were only cooks of Russian salad. Nothing surprises us anymore. With what he is falling, the president’s agenda (see online) speaks for itself. And on Saturday he went to the Goya. And Feijóo? The Galician, who seemed to be climbing the ladder of dignity, is now descending it, saying that he would grant Puigdemont a pardon. He embellishes it, yes, with nuances, but he would pardon him. It makes you want to sign Milei and send all of these to Mars. Let them colonize it.

* Writer | @ADiazVillaseno

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