
TVE postpones the signing of David Broncano and ‘The Resistance’: When will the final decision be made?

The signing of David Broncano has been the trigger for a major earthquake in the highest decision-making body of RTVE. The possible arrival of the program presented by the comedian to the public has resulted in the dismissal of José Pablo López and Elena Sánchez in a tense meeting of the Board of Directors, which has led to the election of Concepción Cascajosa as the new interim president of the corporation .

The open war that has been experienced in recent hours in the corporation’s Board of Directors has meant that the hiring of Broncano and his program has been relegated to a more secondary level in recent hours. But, When will the final decision be made on the signing of David Broncano and ‘La Resistencia’ for RTVE?

As YOTELE has learned, the new vote on the arrival of ‘The Resistance’ to the entity will take place after Easter. To be more exact, it will take place at the next meeting of the RTVE Board of Directors, the first with Cascajosa as president, which will be held next Thursday, April 4.

It should be remembered that this would be the second time that the proposal for the hiring of David Broncano and ‘The Resistance’ passes through the RTVE Board of Directors. In fact, the situation that has been experienced and is being experienced in the corporation these days is preceded by the first signing attempt, which occurred a few weeks ago.

In that first vote, according to various media reports, The Board of Directors of RTVE rejected the signing of Broncano after a tie of four votes in favor and against. The abstention of Elena Sánchez, then interim president and responsible for submitting the proposal to the meeting, meant that the contract did not go ahead despite the fact that she had favorable reports from the departments involved in the negotiation.

With the new situation of the Board of Directors, if these results were repeated in the new vote, the landing of David Broncano and ‘The resistance’ in TVE It would be a reality since Cascajosa was one of the councilors who voted in favor of the proposal and, in this case, she would have the casting vote as interim president of RTVE to break the tie.

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