
A Goya gala marked by #metoo, although with less burden than expected

The Goya this year they arrived marked by the Spanish #MeToo. The publication in The country of the sexual abuse of which the director has been accused by three women Carlos Vermouth has unleashed an earthquake of which, without more names having emerged for now, its real extent is still unknown. And these awards, in front of some Feroz Awards in which it was barely mentioned, they have been a good window to demonstrate the fatigue of women in the profession with behaviors that have remained silent for too long, although without the demand taking up as much space in the gala as could be expected. .

In a historic year for equality in cinema, the first in which there has been a majority of women nominated (61%, compared to 37% last year)CIMA, the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media, had proposed to the guests that they wear a paipay with the hashtag #it’s over. That was the motto that Ana Belén used during the introduction of the gala to make it clear that this year there was no more crucial topic on the table. “From here we want tell victims of sexual violence that they are not alone and that his testimony is admirable and very brave. May your courage to report transform these words into actions. Here, in the cinema, it’s also over,” he declared, unleashing applause from the audience.

Throughout the entire night, it has been especially the most veteran professionals who have most clearly shown their indignation at this history of abuses that Spanish cinema accuses and of which, as everyone knows, only a very small part has stood out. tip of the iceberg. The vice president of the Film Academy, Susi Sanchezhas claimed that “equality should be the norm and not the exception”, and has pointed out, like Ana Belén, that “the abuse of power and violence against women is over“, reiterating the solidarity of the Academy with the victims. A message that could be heard in a version of the song by María Jiménez which is at its origin, performed with three voices by Niña Pastori, María José Llergo and India Martínez, and which he has also repeated during his acknowledgments Estíbaliz Urresolathe award-winning director of 20,000 species of bees: “It is important that more and more of us say: it’s over, we don’t want more violence or harassment.”

Estíbaliz was one of the few who also wore a badge of solidarity with Palestinethe other demand that has covered the gala and that has taken into account Alba Flores to his most indignant spokesperson. The nominated actress I’m loving you madly He had declared upon his arrival at the awards that it was not easy for him to share that festive atmosphere when a massacre like the one in Gaza is taking place.

A more activist pink carpet

The red carpet had been more heated, where the times are somewhat less measured and where the question about abuse was obligatory among the journalists who received the guests. Always assertive Blanca Romero He said that “I think it’s wonderful that it’s reported and talked about,” although in his case, he said, “I’m more of a momentary person: I hit you twice and that’s it.” Belen Rueda has emphasized education to definitively end this problem, and Malena Alterio has celebrated that “If we are speakers, welcome”, in reference to the visibility that your union can give to a problem that goes far beyond certain professional unions.

In that line, Marisa Paredespaipay in hand, asked that #seacabó be extended beyond the field of sexual abuse, because “there are many horrible things that happen in the world,” and Isabel Coixet has said that this motto cannot focus on audiovisuals, but rather has to reach all sectors of society. “I think this is a general end”, he concluded.

In the men’s section, the winner of the Goya for best supporting actor Jose Coronado, after his controversial statements in the Feroz, where it occurred to him to tell women when or how they have to report, words for which he later apologized, this time he preferred to remain silent and say that he only wanted to talk about his work. The actor had also referred to his mistake. Tristan Ulloapointing out that we must think more about the responsibility of the aggressors than that of the victims. Manolo SoloCoronado’s partner in the cast of Close the eyes and nominated without a prize, showed his condemnation “of any act of abuse of power and violence.” “It is evident that in all facets there has been a male predominance, and cinema was not going to be an exception,” he said.

Pedro Almodovar He said that the “entire country” has expressed solidarity with the victims of Vermut and that he hoped that the institutions would offer them all kinds of support, especially also “to give confidence to other women that they are living that nightmare of fear.” At his side, Penelope Cruz She complained that “what is failing the most is a judicial system”, ensuring that when a woman decides to report and does not feel supported it is “very difficult.”

Embarrassment for men

resounding had been Pedro Sanchez upon arrival at the fairgrounds where the awards were being held. “I really liked some words from the Javis in which they said that they want a healthy industry because they want a healthy society,” declared the President of the Government. “We all have to be very aware that we are talking about structural violence, which requires the commitment of everyone, but also of the institutions,” he added. “The government is totally, totally committed to ending this “structural violence that embarrasses us all,” he added, “and particularly men.”

As for its executive, the culture Ministry had announced this Friday the creation of a unit for the care and prevention of sexist violence in the cultural sector which will have among its objectives “accompaniment to victims of sexist violence.” A few days before, the Minister of Equality, Ana Redondoand the president of CIMA, Cristina Andreuhad announced that they will carry out a report on sexual violence in the Spanish audiovisual industry to prevent abuses such as those attributed to Carlos Vermut from being repeated.

Ernest Urtasun, promoter of the first of these initiatives, took advantage of the gala to emphasize its importance. “A message of support to all women, especially those who have reported cases of sexual abuse, and to say that from the Ministry of Culture we are going to act.” “We will act so that there is a safe culture for all of them,” he stressed. Her party partner and vice president of the government Yolanda Diaz It placed emphasis on the precariousness with which the abuses are connected.

The first Goya of the long-awaited Spanish #MeToo have turned out to be vindictive awards, but very far from what was seen years ago with issues such as the Iraq war. Perhaps there is still more awareness or more cases needed for him to be more on the surface. It was clear in the intervention of Fernando Mendez-Leite, who did not expand on the topic: “As my colleagues have already said, the Academy condemns any abuse or violence exercised against women.” She then made a small ode to the growing success of women in the profession: “This year our young directors have won the Golden Shell, the Biznaga de Málaga, the Espiga de Valladolid, the Gaudí and the Cannes Fortnight award”, He seemed proud. But the anticlimax came at the end of that string: “leave something for us.” As I said: there is no way.

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