
Almodóvar, to García-Gallardo: “The money we filmmakers receive we more than return to the State”

And the director from La Mancha could not resist responding to the leader of Vox and vice president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Juan García-Gallardowho had criticized the film sector, criticizing that: “The gentlemen are the ones who make a living by producing films that no one sees.”

Before presenting the last Goya of the gala for best film, Almodovar has done a “vindication” in favor of Spanish cinema and alluding to Gallardo, although he has not mentioned his name. “A politician present in this room has spoken of us as gentlemen who collect subsidies and now one of these gentlemen is speaking to you,” he began.

“The money that We filmmakers receive an advance and we more than return it to the State. through taxes and Social Security in addition to creating thousands of jobs,” said Almodóvar, in a speech that earned the applause of those present at the gala.

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