
Ayuso: “I prefer to hear Feijóo say ‘no to the pardons and the nonsense that is being told’”

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has expressed the opinion that the information that is becoming known these days about the investiture negotiations of the Popular Party with Junts and ERC, are attempts to “muddy the Galician campaign with lies and tricks.” Furthermore, Ayuso has rejected the idea that a pardon with conditions can be given to someone who has committed “serious crimes”, as is the case of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont. “I believe that no one should ever be pardoned because they have committed serious crimes,” he stated. “We are convinced that if the grandmother smokes, that if you make excuses up and down,” he denounced, and he asked himself “who believes this?” “. “I prefer to listen to the president of the Popular Party when he says he does not plan to amnesty anyone, I am not in favor of what is happening, no to pardons and no to the nonsense that is being told these days,” she added. .

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