
The supermarkets of Córdoba claim their essential character with the ‘The value of my supermarket’ campaign

The headquarters of the Confederation of Businessmen of Cordova (CECO) hosted the event this Tuesday morning campaign presentation The value of my superwhich is being developed by the Andalusian Confederation of Food and Perfumery Entrepreneurs (CAEA), in collaboration with the Department of Employment, Business and Self-Employment of the Junta of Andalusia.

The event was attended by the president of the Confederation of Businessmen of Córdoba, Antonio Diaz; the member of CAEA, Francisco Javier Stone; and the head of the Commerce Service of the Territorial Delegation in Córdoba of Employment, Business and Self-Employment, Rocio Gomez.

The member of CAEA Supermarkets, Francisco Javier Piedra, announced, through a video and a decalogue of messages, the “The value of my supermarket” campaign, with the closeness and proximity, complete assortment and wide varietyproduct quality and food safety, competitive prices and environmental sustainability as strong ideas to highlight the essential role that commercial food distribution plays today. This campaign will be developed through the CAEA itself and its associated companies and is being presented in all Andalusian provinces.

“We don’t usually give value to everyday things until we lose them or times of crisis come, and the same thing happens to us with supermarkets, which we we have so close and at hand every day that we do not value them enoughexcept in pandemic “We realized what it meant to have a store just a few meters from home that supplied us with absolutely everything we need in our daily lives,” explained Francisco Javier Piedra.

The CAEA member assured that in the mass consumption sector “Around one million product references are handled, approximately 500,000 food items. and another 500,000 for personal and home hygiene, drugstores, perfumeries, pets, etc. and it is not at all easy to take those thousands of product references, from one end of Spain and Andalusia to the other, to the stores every morning and day of the year, quite the opposite, it requires complexity and a logistical and distribution effort “That can only be done with a perfectly oiled and efficient value chain like the one that, fortunately, we have in our country.”

Likewise, the president of the Confederation of Businessmen of Córdoba, Antonio Díaz, has indicated that with the Campaign “We support the important work of commercial distribution in Andalusia; Supermarkets meet the food demand in our neighborhoods, towns and cities, an essential task within the value chain that is not sufficiently recognized.”

“We must highlight the values ​​of local commerce, such as the varied offer, quality, as well as proximity, their ability to adapt to demand and, of course, the work they perform in the structuring of the territory,” said Antonio Díaz. .

For her part, the head of the Commerce Service of the Territorial Delegation of Employment, Business and Self-Employment in Córdoba, Rocío Gómez, has thanked the CAEA for its work in raising awareness about the importance of the social service that supermarkets offer to citizens, ” “Commerce helps fight against rural depopulation, since the survival of many towns depends largely on the maintenance of commercial establishments in these areas that bring essential products and services to their inhabitants.”

Rocío Gómez has emphasized the implementation by the Board of the VII Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Internal Trade of Andalusia 2023-2026, “which supports the consolidation of the commercial sector, and highlights the boost to competitiveness through of a digital and green transition”. “The general objectives of this plan, aimed at the modernization of the Andalusian commercial sector, seek to promote the growth and consolidation of the sector by reinforcing digitalization, as well as permanent training of merchant workers,” she concluded.

Likewise, the 1st CAEA Communication Award “For the best information on the mass consumption commercial distribution sector” was also presented during the day, which will recognize the best informative work on the sector in Andalusia published in 2023, and whose distinction will be awarded next year. The main objective of the award is to recognize the professional work carried out by the media in relation to the Andalusian mass-market commercial sector, promoting and rewarding a rigorous and exhaustive treatment of information. The submission of nominations for the Prize is open until February 29, 2024.

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