
CAJASUR INSURANCE CÓRDOBA | Cajasur incorporates important improvements in its entire range of insurance

Cajasur has started 2024 with relevant improvements in its wide range of insurance that the entity markets. For example, the additional discount of the 5% that it offers to clients who, when taking out a policy, have made recurring contributions to pension products, investment funds or delegated portfolios.

In the event that the contract is for life insurance, clients who have made contributions to Plans Pensions They will have six months free in the first year of the policy.

In the case of insurance Home and Home Extra Cajasur also offers a decreasing discount in the premium for three years, which will be 25% in the first, 20% in the second and 15% in the third.

Within the range of health insurance, a new IMQ campaign has been launched that applies discounts of 25% on contracting the gold modality and 10% on the blue modality on policies until May 1.

New Dog Liability Coverage

Cajasur has begun to market, within its Home policy, complementary coverage specifically aimed at dog owners who, according to the new animal welfare law, must contract and maintain in force civil liability insurance for damages to third parties.

He ‘Civil liability pack for dogs’ Cajasur covers compensation for damages caused to third parties by the animal, legal defense in civil or criminal proceedings resulting from claims arising from civil liability, as well as legal costs and expenses inherent to the incident.

Cajasur has also introduced new, more modern and differential coverage in its car insurance.

Due to accidents

In this way, the Premium Natura Car Pack increases civil liability coverage for accidents up to 100,000 euros, veterinary assistance coverage for pets in the event of an accident or the possibility of obtaining a replacement vehicle in the event of a breakdown, theft, fire or total loss. This offer introduces the reforestation commitment by which 6,600 trees will be planted in 3 years, to partially offset the Co2 consumption of the insured vehicles.

About Cajasur

Cajasur is the leading financial entity in Cordova. Present throughout Andalusia through 217 offices, it has a staff of more than 1,650 employees. It belongs to the Kutxabank Groupthe most solvent bank in our financial system and the third entity with the best risk profile in Europe, according to European supervisors.

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