
CAMPO CORDOBA PROTESTS | The farmers of Córdoba intensify their protests with a tractor unit in the Alto Guadalquivir

Regrouping of tractors in Bujalance to start the march.

The Cordoba farmers They return to the charge with another tractor unit to make their discomfort known about the “suffocation” of the countryside that is leading their farms to ruin. Nearly a hundred tractors have regrouped today in Bujalancespecifically in the facilities of the Jesús Nazareno cooperative, to depart Course to The Carpio. The intention of the organizers, the independent farmers who They have been mobilizing since last February 6 uninterruptedly, is to concentrate there and cut the A-4, for which they are not authorized.

Farmers from Montoro, Cañete de las TorresBujalance, Castro del Rio, Baena and the Jaén town of Porcuna.

A device of the Civil Guard He has controlled the protesters since their regrouping in Bujalance and is currently supervising the march.

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