
Insult, sarcasm and ridicule: this is how Spanish policies are attacked on the X network

There are more and more women with positions of responsibility in institutions. According to data from UN Women, the percentage of women in parliaments around the world has increased from 24.5% in 2019 to 26.5% in 2023.

If we look at the current Spanish government team, we see that there are many female faces. The same thing also happens in the opposition parties and in the European institutions. Female politicians are also present on social networks such as X, Facebook and TikTok, as is the case with their male colleagues.

We could then think that the joint struggle of women to overcome social and cultural barriers is bearing fruit in the field of politics, although we are still far from achieving gender parity. That is to say, the stereotypes that saw women incapable of holding a position of responsibility or that placed them in the home, taking care of their husband and children, would be left behind.

However, the reality seems to be different. Recent studies indicate that the world of politics is not a bed of roses for women. Quite the opposite. An example of this is the numerous verbal attacks and sexist and humiliating comments that many women politicians receive daily on social networks. This is the environment in which this takes place. investigation.

Since web 2.0 arrived, aggressive behavior on social networks has increased, especially in spaces where political ideas are exchanged. Anonymity leads us to lose inhibitions. Furthermore, we move in communities whose members tend to think the same as us. Therefore, we are more easily infected by the negative emotions of other participants. That is, we polarize ourselves.

Although both men and women are targets of aggression, as shown in a study on aggression towards Boris Johnson and Pedro Sanchez in X, recent studies paint a slightly different picture. First, women under 35 are twice as likely to be attacked online compared to men.

The more visible, the more attacked

Secondly, the more visibility women have in the political sphere, the more intense the attack towards her is. This could be explained because politics is a specifically masculine field. Because of this, women can be perceived as out of place.

Taking this into account, a research project that I carried out collected and analyzed a random sample of 1,500 tweets aimed at the three Spanish politicians with the most followers in x: Isabel Díaz Ayuso (president of the Community of Madrid), Yolanda Díaz (Minister of Labor and Social Economy) and Irene Montero, Minister of Equality when this study was carried out.

The objective of the work, pending publication, was to identify the most frequent linguistic strategies to attack Spanish policies. Also, evaluate the theme of the attacks to clarify if the hostile comments are fueled by gender stereotypesas has been confirmed in previous studies.

By aggression we understand any attempt to harm or denigrate another, hurting their feelings or self-esteem. Furthermore, applying statistical tests it was determined whether the tweeters used different strategies when addressing one policy or another. We also determined whether different gender stereotypes were activated in each case.

X-ray of the attack on three women

The results of the study indicate that, in general, X users used direct strategies to express aggression. That is, policies are denigrated through pure and simple insult. But they are also accused of having done something, or of not having done it, they are associated with negative aspects, they are given orders or certain behaviors are required of them.

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Sometimes they are rebuked with taboo or bad words, the so-called dysphemisms (shit, pussy, whore, etc.). To a lesser extent, they receive threats or warnings.

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On the other hand, when the aggression is indirect, what we call in linguistics implicature is used, that is, something is insinuated without saying it directly, so that the reader has to read between the lines. This strategy is very effective in communicating gender stereotypes.

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In addition, sarcasm and false politeness are used to express the opposite of what we are saying and create humor. Using emojis or laughter softens the speaker’s intention. Therefore, it is more difficult to accuse him of being aggressive or hurtful. In most cases, several types of strategies are combined. This causes the comment to increase hostility.

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But this study also shows that the topics of aggressive comments contain gender stereotypes. The statistic distinguishes Montero because she receives aggressive and misogynistic comments. He is reminded, for example, that his position in the ministry is a result of his relationship with Pablo Iglesias. Or facets of their most intimate life are alluded to as a form of aggression.

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That is, she is ridiculed for being “the woman of” and for being subordinate to other male figures within the coalition government. This questions her empowerment as a woman.

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Díaz, in a traditionally male ministry, receives aggressive comments about his inability to manage it. The lack of preparation for the position is associated with his ideology: his incompetence comes from being a communist. Furthermore, Díaz stands out for the comments about his physical appearance, which are statistically significant. So are the use of diminutives that, with paternalistic use, infantilize and belittle her.

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These comments, as happened with Montero, move the focus away from the political management to put it over the “person”. This is how they are incapacitated and denigrated, putting their work as ministers on a secondary level.

For its part, statistics distinguish Diaz Ayuso of other policies questioning their morality and their concern for issues that have traditionally been associated with women: education, health, poverty… The Australian philosopher Kate Manne already said that women who occupy men’s positions are subjected to greater moral scrutiny. Ayuso is attacked for her management of hospitals and for her alleged lack of empathy with the disadvantaged. Also for allegedly benefiting members of her family with commissions.

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Despite the specialization of linguistic topics and strategies, according to the policy analyzed, the message is forceful: Spanish politicians are not competent enough and do not possess the appropriate personality traits to be successful leaders. This has serious consequences because it creates a distorted perception in society about the role of women in the political sphere.

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