
CÁNTICO GROUP CÓRDOBA LIBRARY | The PSOE requests that the Grupo Cántico de Córdoba library open every day

Hurtado has considered that after 20 years of waiting “we have to get the most out of it to this modern cultural equipment”, and even that in certain times of the year could should be open 24 hours a day, “especially during student exam times, so that those who do not have homes with suitable facilities for studying can find in this facility the appropriate place they need.”

The socialist spokesperson in the Córdoba City Council, Antonio Hurtado. ARCHIVE / CÓRDOBA

Two seasons with ’24/7′ schedule

This extraordinary measure of 24-hour service It should be applied “twice a year, coinciding with the exam periods in January-February and May-July”, the socialist has proposed.

The municipal spokesperson does not see it as “acceptable” that it will be inaugurated with a restricted opening hours of five days a week and only from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Four. Five

The first day of the opening of the Grupo Cántico Library, in images

According to Hurtado, “the The objective that we must now set is to multiply the number of users to the public libraries of Córdoba with this new and modern library infrastructurewhich we all feel very proud to have achieved thanks to the efforts of the Governments of the Nation, starting with the Zapatero Government and being Minister Carmen Calvowith the later one of Mariano Rajoy and now with the current one of Pedro Sánchez”, concludes the note from the Córdoba socialists.

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