
The Risen Lord illustrates the poster for Bujalance’s Holy Week 2024

Presentation of the Holy Week 2024 poster in Bujalance.

The parish of San Francisco hosted the presentation of advertising poster Easter 2024 Bujalanceof National Tourist Interest from Andalusia. The poster, the work of the photographer Antonio Angel Carazocollects the image of Our Father Jesus Risen moments before the procession begins. Luis Cañas Jimenezbrother of the brotherhood and Chief Commander of the Roman Empire of Bujalance, presented the poster, which was discovered by Toñi Martínez León, who was for many years president and soul of the brotherhood of the Risen Lord and the Virgin of Joy. She then introduced herself to Holy Week Guide of the town.

The event concluded with the appointment of Cofrade Exemplar 2024, which fell to Lucia Nieto Moralesa woman dedicated to the Bujalanceña brotherhoods, especially the Brotherhood of the Miraculous Virgin, where she is its current president.

The praise for the Exemplary Brotherhood was given by Maria Teresa Castro, which highlighted the important and enormous work carried out by Lucía Nieto around the Bujalanceña brotherhoods and her tireless work. After thanking this recognition, Lucía Nieto received the distinction from the mayor Elena Alba and the parish priest Francisco Roldantogether with the president of the Grouping of Brotherhoods, Magdalena Flores.

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