
CORDOBA CARNIVAL | Don Carnal takes over the province with his mocking spirit and lots of partying

He carnival since this weekend people have been living on the streets in numerous Cordoba townswhere the party reached its splendor on Saturday night, although Sunday morning and afternoon were not far behind, with parades, proclamations and costumes in every corner.

Of course, the arrival of Don Carnal It coincided with the passage of the storm Karlotta, which this Sunday was already giving its last blows, so the carvaleros had one eye on the party and another on the sky.

Carnival proclamation at the Coliseo Theater in Palma del Río. E. APPLE

In Palma del Río, one of the best moments was Raúl Godoy Uceda at the Teatro Coliseo, where he came on stage to offer the proclamation of the Carnival 2024 with two types: first with a Fernando Miquel costume, and then with a costume from the chirigota of Las Niñas de Alcalá. The crier encouraged his countrymen “to live the carnivals with intensity, as they have always been experienced in Palma.” His proclamation was full of names and experiences, such as when he recalled that in his house there is still a photograph with his first costume, dressed of clownwhen he was not even a year old.

Carnival atmosphere in Aguilar de la Frontera on Saturday night. G. BATHROOM

The Plaza de San José in Aguilar was overflowing on Saturday afternoon with costumes and entries in the contest. parades. A carnival parade designed for everyone, with the musical accompaniment of the Aguilarense charanga The BBC Livers and of the batucada Artesamba which began and ended in the octagonal plaza, decorated to receive Don Carnal. The night brought the cover group concert Mister Plan and, cAs a novelty, this year the Battle of Coplas was held in the Plaza de los Naranjos. On Sunday, the party moved to the Barrio Bajo, with carnival performances, convivial paella and a giant carnival cake with chocolate in which the association collaborates Friends of chocolate.

The Hallelujahs parade through Fuente Palmera. E. GUZMAN

Fuente Palmera lived on Saturday most massive carnival of recent years in an intense day that began with Rosi Martín’s proclamation in the Plaza Real. Then the parade took place animated by the brass band. The BBC’s hustlers and for the batucada Percufusion, from IES Colonial. The City Council awarded 46 prizes -36 donated by companies- in the costume contest and the public enjoyed the performances of the chirigota Los Sigilosos and the Vintash Orchestra.

Group competition in Pozoblanco. RAFA SANCHEZ

The carnival began in Pozoblanco on Friday with the proclamation offered by the Afemvap association, while a day later it was the turn of the group competition with the participation of four chirigotas. Local news was very present in the cuplés of groups that will now take their repertoire through the streets of the town with dates yesterday, Sunday and next weekend.

Carnival on the street in Cabra. J. MORENO

The burial of the sardine and a snack at the ADIE Center put an end to Carnival Sunday in Cabra, after a children’s party and a great convivial paella. On Saturday, a massive parade was held through the center of the town to the ADIE Center, where all the activities were moved due to the forecast of rain. There the party lasted until the early hours of the morning. Before, on Friday, the final of the carnival group competition was held, where the troupe won the top prizes. nameless people of Montalban and the chirigota of the Egabrense Philharmonic Center You are such a goat and I am such a bastard.

Carnivals and carnivals in Hinojosa del Duque. CORDOVA

In Hinojosa del Duque, one of the great traditions of the town was celebrated yesterday, Sunday, such as the cooking pot of Carnival for the benefit of the Afadet Association, from relatives of Alzheimer’s patients. The finishing touch was the costume contest and the performances of the chirigotas.

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