
CORDOBA FACUA ARCHANGEL | Facua denounces the closing of the doors of El Arcángel during the evacuation

Facua Córdoba sent a letter to the Local police of Córdoba by which he denounces the serious situation that exists on match days of the Córdoba CF in The Archangel, where every day, after finishing the meeting, Thousands of people gather to leave through the few doors which they keep open while most of them, including emergency ones, remain blocked with chains and padlocks.


In a statement sent to the media, the association considers that the Córdoba CF “endangers the physical integrity of stadium attendeessince in the event of evacuation due to an accident or an unforeseen situation, an avalanche of people could occur due to not being able to leave the sports venue with the order and speed that would be required.

Córdoba CF fans in El Arcángel. AJ GONZÁLEZ

Added to this possible breach in terms of security is “the lack of lighting in the stadium and evacuation areas. Current regulations require that there be light to indicate where the emergency exits are located, which must also be properly signposted and be visible from a distance of 20 meters. In the stadium where the Córdoba CF There is also a flagrant lack of signage in this regard,” the association denounces.

What the law says

Law 13/1999, of December 15, on Public Entertainment and Recreational Activities of Andalusia, In its article 22, Facua recalls, it establishes that “the inspection of public establishments intended for holding public shows and recreational activities, as well as the control of the development of such activities, will be carried out by the competent Administration within its scope of action. , carried out, as the case may be, by the members of the Local Police, by those of the unit assigned to the National Police to the Junta de Andalucía and by the members of the Gaming and Public Entertainment Inspection.

Article 19 of this same norm qualifies as a very serious violation the “substantial omission of the security measures established in the current regulations and, where appropriate, in the corresponding municipal or regional authorizations, as well as the poor condition of the public establishments that seriously reduces the degree of security required for people or property”.

Leaks in the box

Likewise, this newspaper learned that in last Sunday’s match between Córdoba CF and Atlético de Madrid B Leaks appeared in the box of the municipal stadium after the rains that fell on the city in recent days. In any case, it was a circumstance that caught the attention of those attending the noble area of The Archangel about the situation in which the sports facility is located.

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