
CÓRDOBA FOOD EVENTS | Mercacórdoba fish wholesalers deny that the seized products belonged to them

The fish wholesalers have expressed their indignation after it was revealed that Fisheries Inspection seized more than 1,000 kilograms of fish in Mercacordoba. Although it is true that the record of the Seprona and the Junta of Andalusia served to findr 630 kilos of illegal rock octopus and 480 kilos of expired fish without traceabilitybusinessmen They clarify that it did not correspond to any of the wholesalers that operate there.

Their representative, Juan Castro, explains that The octopus was being transferred, en route, from Huelva to Valencia. The trailer, he details, stopped at Cordova and, from the capital, it was going to be distributed. As for fish in bad condition, wholesalers target a specific fishmonger that stores its merchandise in freezers, but that does not belong to Mercacórdoba. “There is a wholesaler that receives the fish,” they say.

Boxes of fish in a Mercacórdoba container. Manuel Murillo

“We are doing things well”

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development, when asked about it, has not provided clarifications on the details known to Diario CÓRDOBA. It has also not been possible to contact the Markets area of ​​the Córdoba City Council despite the attempts of this newspaper.

The critics of the wholesalers are due to the fact that, in their opinion, the information shows an image that does not correspond to Mercacórdoba. “We are doing things well,” they say..

Work in the Mercacórdoba fish market area. Manuel Murillo

Serious violations

On this occasion, the product seized was, mostly sea bass, salmon and tuna. The inspections took place on January 16 and 30in compliance with the Annual Plan for Comprehensive Control of Fishing Activities (Paciap) who carry out the Civil Guard and the Andalusian Agrarian and Fisheries Management Agency (Agapa). The Andalusian Government, however, indicates that it is something punctual.

At the end of November 2023this newspaper also reported that the agents 830 kilos of fish were seized in Mercacórdoba. Regarding this case, wholesalers reiterate that the same problem occurred. The Ministry of Agriculture recently reported on the latest seizure and noted that “these events can be considered, according to the regulations that apply to them, infractions classified as serious.”

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