
Five buildings evacuated after a fire broke out in Valencia

A fire broke out this afternoon in Saler, in Valencia. The Emergency Coordination Center has activated situation 1 of the Special Plan against the risk of forest fires because the flames are close to several apartment blocks. So much so that, as reported by the Civil Guard, five buildings in the Aparwaks development, close to the Sidi Hotel, have been evacuated.

The neighbors who have had to abandon their properties have done so by their own means. However, it has been necessary to request medical assistance to care for a person affected by smoke inhalation.

Seven fire crews from the Valencia City Council have been mobilized to the site of the fire that started in a bush area, the foreman coordinator of the Provincial Consortium of Firefighters From Valenciaa helitransported Forest Firefighters unit and an aerial vehicle.

The great column of smoke that have generated the flames is visible from AP7 and Precisely because of the density of this smoke, the four apartment blocks have been evacuated. In addition, it has been necessary to cut off the circulation of both the CV-500 and the CV-401.

For the moment, hopes are pinned on the direction of the wind, which although it is fanning the tongue of fire in gusts, the truth is that it is pushing it towards the sea.

Neighbors suspect it is an intentional fire.

The residents of the evacuated buildings have declared to Levante-EMV, from Prensa Ibérica, that the proximity of the flames and smoke has surprised them. “Suddenly in the back of Tower IV there was a burning smell and there began to be a lot of smoke and the fire spread.”

Juan is a neighbor of tower 5 of Aparwaks and has seen the flares from the road, when he returned from Valencia. This Valencian explains that the fire has reached the first floor of his property, but the neighbors themselves have managed to keep it away with a hose. “I was burned by an ember trying to put out a hose,” he says. Juan explains that he is not afraid but he is worried about the size of the fire in this area of ​​bushes with surrounding pine trees, and suspects that the three-spot fire may have been caused.

A family of cyclists arrives distraught to a point of Civil Guard control and explains that he has been very afraid when passing through the columns of smoke on the hard part of the beach. The three tourists from Segovia are spending a few days in Valencia and had wanted to visit La Devesa to see this green lung. “We were having a lot of fun and an immense fire caught us. Is this always like this?” asks Eva María, 51 years old. “There is no right to burn places like this,” her husband adds indignantly.

Statements from some distressed cyclists after passing through the columns of smoke: “There is no right to burn places like this”

Statements from neighbors

With a forehead full of ashes pay attention to this newspaper Pepejanitor of tower 5, who is missing only three months to retire. “I didn’t expect this farewell. It’s the biggest fire I’ve ever seen up close. The palm trees were falling on us,” he says, still with fear in his body. The janitor explains that the building, fortunately, remains half empty in the low season, but that all the owners are calling him to find out if the fire enters their homes. ““I don’t think it will happen.”he assures, and then endorses his neighbor’s version: “This must have been provoked. Here almost everyone is,” he points out.

And in the Yasmin was taking a nap on the same farm when the fire sirens have startled her. She took her keys, her cell phone and ran out onto the street without thinking. She tells it in her pajamas from the beach, outside the perimeter established by the Civil Guard. “We live with concern because there are already many fires in a row, and many near the farms,” ​​she laments. “I have seen the three lights,” Toni complemented in a conversation with her. “The main one, another in the dunes and another further south. And not all at the same time,” adds this Valencian who was walking through the area and has stayed to see the evolution of the new fire that burns the green lung of the city.

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