
CÓRDOBA JEWELRY | The Córdoba jewelry company seeks the support of the Government to achieve the Protected Geographical Indication seal

The Cordoban jewelry it takes months carrying out procedures to obtain the badge European quality Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) in the category of artisanal and industrial products. The Provincial Association of San Eloy Jewelers has developed a quality standard linked to the territory of origin that will make jewelry companies in Cordova can benefit from it to obtain this certification. Now, the jewelers, with the support of the Delegation of Economy and Employment of the Córdoba City Council, will urge the central government through a motion in the next municipal plenary session, to designate an authority that establishes administrative procedures for the admission of applications of this seal within the European Union (EU).

The president of Imdeec, Blanca Torrent, He explained this Monday at a press conference that in the application registration procedure to obtain the PGI it is established “that each EU member must designate a competent authority that must establish the administrative procedures for the admission of applications and thus present them to the intellectual property office of the EU”. In this sense, the first deputy mayor of the Córdoba City Council has announced that next Thursday, his Delegation will present a motion urging the central Executive to “designate said authority as soon as possible” so that “our companies do not miss opportunities“and so that” we can promote Córdoba as center world-renowned jeweler”.

Differentiating distinctive

Blanca Torrent recalled that this distinction will provide greater consumer safety “because it will offer a distinctive authenticity badge and will protect Córdoba companies against counterfeits and unfair competition, making design, quality and craftsmanship known and recognized at a European level”.

Workers carry out their activity in a jewelry workshop in Córdoba. AJ Gonzalez

Torrent has clarified that “we we have done our homework“both on the part of the San Eloy association and the City Council and that “now it is time for the Government of Spain decides whether the artisanal and artistic tradition of Córdoba jewelry and the small self-employed who maintain it are important also”.

For her part, the president of the Provincial Jewelers Association, Milagrosa Gomezhas shown that “in Cordovacity of silversmiths and jewelers, Gold and silver have been worked since the birth of metals“. Thus, he emphasized that “the work of our jewelers and the experience acquired over the centuries has made us national and international references“.

More than 70% of Spanish jewelry production in Córdoba

Proof of this, as Gómez has pointed out, is that of the 1,300 companies Andalusians who work in the jewelry sector, the 76% are from Córdobaa province that also represents the 70% of jewelry production nationwide. That is why, in the opinion of the president of the jewelers “Córdoba meets all the requirements to be recognized as a Protected Geographical Indication of an artisanal and industrial nature” and it is essential that Córdoba jewelry “be one of the first Spanish products” endorsed by the European Union.

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