
Culture will promote a unit for the care and prevention of sexist violence in the sector

He culture Ministry will drive a unit for the care and prevention of sexist violence in the cultural sector which will have among its objectives “accompaniment to victims of sexist violence.”

This has been announced by the department led by Ernest Urtasunwhich has also advanced that this office will produce specific studies for the development of protocols and recommendations that “respond to the specific needs” of each sector and organization linked to culture.

As he recalled, this initiative comes to concretize the commitment that Urtasun already expressed at the last Feroz Awards gala to work to “guarantee that culture is a safe space for all women, free, in this sense, of violence.” sexist.” The minister reacted in this way after learning of the accusations of three women against the film director Carlos Vermut for sexual violence.

This care and prevention unit “will respond to the need to combat sexist violence from the concrete specificities” of the cultural sector and its different areas.

“To achieve this, it will work with a multidisciplinary approach, in agreement with cultural professionals and also counting on the feminist associations that are members of the Gender Equality Observatory in the field of Culture, experts in the field of prevention of said violence. and the advice of other successful experiences already implemented,” explained Cultura.

Urtasun has indicated that the launch of this office is “a response to a serious problem” in the sector. “We have a serious problem of sexual assaults and sexual violence also in the world of culture and therefore the institutions have to act,” the minister reiterated in statements collected by Europa Press to LaSexta.

The minister has assured that in this way he collects the requests he has received this week after his meetings with women’s and cultural associations that are grouped around the Cultural Gender Equality Observatory.

“Above all, the request is for a unit that does two things: the accompaniment of women who are victims of cases of sexual violence and also that there are prevention policies,” she stated, after recalling that there are already some cases in Spain. “successful” of this type of offices, as for example in Catalonia.

Thus, he recalled that these offices “have a similar unit” to the one that is intended to be created and will serve to provide “an answer to this problem.” “hand in hand with experts, civil society and other administrations”. “We need to react to what is a very serious problem and the Ministry of Culture is going to be on the side of the women who work in the world of culture, without a doubt,” she reiterated.

The minister has defended the celebration of the Goya Awards this Saturday in Valladolid, describing this gala as “the great festival of Spanish cinema” and pointing out that the film sector arrives at this event “at a great time.” Furthermore, he has highlighted that in the coming weeks Culture will take the new Cinema Law to the Council of Ministers, a “demand from the sector that needs to be unblocked.”

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