
Feijóo asks for responsibility for the death of two civil guards by a drug boat

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóohas asked political responsibilities “at the highest level” by the two civil guards who murdered on friday when his patrol boat was hit by a drug boat in the port of Barbate (Cádiz).

The head of the opposition began a luncheon rally this Saturday in Sarria (Lugo) expressing his respect for the murdered and injured agents and asking that the full weight of the law falls on those responsible for the murders and the mafias that have been behind it for a long time in that area.

Next, Feijóo charged against the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska when wondering how it is possible that in the morning he was visiting the countryside of Gibraltar saying that there is an “adequate and sufficient security operation” and that at night two civil guards are murdered.

To Marlaska and also to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, Feijóo has demanded rise to the challenge, stand up, deploy sufficient resources “so that this barbarity does not occur again” and also legislative changes to declare the countryside of Gibraltar as a special security zone to protect agents, judges and prosecutors

Feijóo has denounced that it is inappropriate to see civil guards destroyed by a boat while they had “absolutely insufficient” means and has joined the mayors of Gibraltar and the Andalusian Government to claim that this cannot continue.

“We cannot continue seeing how mafias operate with impunity in that area of ​​Spain”Feijóo stressed, calling for political responsibilities not in the next few days, but in the next few hours.

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