
FALSE FINES | Be careful with this fine: the Civil Guard warns of a new scam

Nowadays, with the constant use we give to mobile phones we are used to doing almost any procedure and management electronically. However, this also has its negative side: the scams and scams to which we are also exposed they have modernized and we can fall into them without realizing it, especially those people who do not use new technologies.

On their social networks, the Civil Guard wanted to warn of a new way of smishing that is happening lately, and we tell you everything you need to know below so you don’t get fooled online.

The DGT usually warns of scams and scams that exist on the internet

The fake parking fine

A little over a year ago the City of Madrid began to warn citizens about a alleged scam of some photocopies that pretended to be traffic penalties placed on the windshields of some vehicles in the capital. At first glance, the paper showed a logo similar to that of the City Council and its structure was also very similar to that of one royal fine.

However, although they stopped being seen in vehicles a while ago, you are probably wondering how can you differentiate them of a real fine from City Hall, in case they put one on your windshield. The most important thing to keep in mind is that these finesaccording to the City Council itself, They never include a QR code. Additionally, actual fines typically include much more details than these copies.

New scam on the internet

On their social networks, the Civil Guard wanted to warn citizens of a new scam case that is happening on the internet and against which you should be warned. It’s about a SMS that can send you to your phone warning that you have a DGT fine pending payment. In the message itself, a link that redirects you to a fraudulent website in which they try to obtain your data.

You must know that the DGT You only have one way to send your finesand it is through certified mail or, if requested, through the Road Electronic Address, hence if you have received an alleged fine through a SMS or of a emailyou should know that it could be a case of smishing or phishing (an online scam to get your data or your money), so you should be careful. The best recommendation that the DGT gives you the thing is avoid opening these emails or messagesbut You can find more advice on their website.

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