
FAMILY CONCILIATION CORDOBA | A plan from the Provincial Council of Córdoba promotes 700 activities to reconcile work life

The Provincial Council of Córdobathrough its Equality Delegationhas launched in 74 municipalities of the province Joint Responsible Planinitiative framed in the project ‘Córdoba: network of municipalities for conciliation and co-responsibility’ that seeks alternatives to a confirmed reality, “that care work, unpaid and almost always carried out by women“It is a pillar that makes the functioning of society possible.”

This is how the person responsible for Equality in the institution has expressed herself, Helper Morenowho explained that “the program, subsidized by the Department of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality, has a budget of 978,476 euros and starts from the realization that the vast majority of permits to care for a family member They are requested by women.”

Thus, according to data from the Ministry of Inclusion and Social Security, in the province some 474 leaves of absence and of these 404 were women.

Given this situation, “it is necessary to design and implement this project that includes actions of different kinds, such as assistance, training, information and awareness, all of them aimed at different population profiles and both at the municipal level, with the collaboration of the city councils, and at the educational and economic levels,” said Moreno.

Among the planned activities, which will be aimed at the population of municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitantsthere is the creation of a ‘Time Bank for co-responsibility’, “a free benefit to promote the reconciliation of families with under 16 years old which contemplates the creation of toy libraries, in the afternoons, from Monday to Friday, and on holidays, and multi-sport activities during the weekends.”

To this end, the Provincial Council will make available to the municipalities competent technical staff and with specialized training. 72 municipalities collaborate with the program and will make available the spaces where the actions will take place.

Areas of action

In it educational fieldthe launch of Córdoba Coeduca 4.0, with 58 workshops, such as those titled ‘Rap revolution: gender equality in verse’ and ‘Role-playing games: creatures from here, illustrated guide to abominable beings and their patri-arcades’. At the same time, different institutes will carry out 33 conferences with different themes such as shared care, machismo in social networks, women in science, the emotional health of boys and girls, adolescents as agents of change, co-responsibility, etc.

For the General population the program will be developed ‘What if we do it together?’about 30 workshops in which issues of interest to men and women that have to do with matters that facilitate work at home will be discussed.

For technical staff and politician of the local administration, online training courses have been designed “with which we try to raise awareness about the importance of coeducation and co-responsibility in the assumption of family and domestic obligations.”

In matters of sensitizationthe project includes ‘Awareness Stops’ that will be carried out by a mobile unit in the municipalities that join to transmit the real value of care and the importance of citizen involvement.

Likewise, they will be launched 15 workshops with the title ‘My-space Workshops’ that will consist of relaxation and emotional management techniques to promote women’s empowerment.

Business field

For the sector business, the provincial deputy highlighted that “a ‘Co-Responsibility Laboratory’ will be launched, a consultancy service for companies with less than fifty people aimed at preparing a diagnosis of the situation regarding conciliation.” Within this same program, a Good Practices Guide which will be carried out after field work in 20 companies from the province.

As a final touch, the Equality delegate has announced that “the ‘First My-Space Meeting’ will be held, which will take place in the month of March and will feature professionals who will address the issue of conciliation from different perspectives.” In short, “the project seeks to develop direct interventions with social groups, institutions and companies using different conciliation methodologies, training and awareness tools and informative materials to open forums for debate and meeting,” he clarified.

“It is about contributing to the knowledge and dissemination of the advantages of incorporating conciliation and co-responsibility into family and work life, into policies, business objectives and to education, all framed in the campaign whose central message is ‘Because if you take care, I can too,'” the provincial deputy stressed.

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