
CÓRDOBA FIRE | The Prosecutor’s Office requests 11 years in prison for the man accused of starting a fire in a home while the resident was sleepingthe resident was sleeping

Flames spread from a curtain to the rest of the house. Inside, the victim of a case being judged by the Provincial Court of Cordova. The third section has placed in the dock an individual who is charged with an alleged crime of arson by setting fire to a private person’s home while he was sleeping and, therefore, make an attempt on his life.

The accused allegedly went to the street where the victim’s property is located. He usually resided there, according to the qualification of the Prosecutor’s Office to which Diario CÓRDOBA has had access. Once in place, the same text continues, “with the intention of causing harmapproached the window of the aforementioned home and, taking advantage of the fact that it was open, set it on fire.”

It started on a curtain

The manner “could not be determined”, but the above he would have used a curtain to light the flame. The consequence of that act: “a fire that It spread to the rest of the house while the victim was sleeping.putting up your life and physical integrity in danger“.

The prosecutor considers these facts constituting a crime of arson included in article 351 of the Penal Code. This article refers to those fires that entail “a danger to the life or physical integrity of people.” And, as specified, “they will be punished with a prison sentence of ten to twenty years,” although “judges or courts may impose a lesser sentence based on the lesser nature of the danger caused and the other circumstances of the event.”

In this case, The public ministry asks the judge to impose a sentence of 11 years in prison for the accusedas well as the payment of an amount of 380 euros for the damage caused in the home, according to the appraisal, and payment of the costs.

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