
Feijóo demands the dismissal of Marlaska and charges against Sánchez for attending the Goya on the “night of mourning”

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóohas demanded this Sunday that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande Marlaskaresign or be dismissed by the “murders” of two civil guards in Barbate (Cádiz) and has criticized the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezfor “going to a festival on the same night of mourning” for the death of the agents.

At a rally in Outeiro de Rei (Lugo), Núñez Feijoo accused Marlaska of “despise” the Civil Guard for not having met “with the agents of the post where they occurred the facts”and has considered that the minister should “have resigned ‘ipso facto’ for not having been able to maintain the security of the agents operating in the south of Andalusia”.

“Next Tuesday there is a Council of Ministers. I hope that (Grande Marlaska) does not sit at the table of the Council of Ministers, presents his resignation and, if not, that he is dismissed for a minimum of decorum from the State security forces and bodies.” Yet the Civil Guard”he claimed.

According to Núñez Feijóo, furthermore, the minister should have resigned or been fired a long time ago due to “the absolute failure in border control or for their alleged collusion with the environment of ETA prisoners”.

The leader of the PP has announced that tomorrow plans to move to Barbatehas expressed his party’s commitment to the Civil Guard and has assured that he will continue working so that “the money that is wasted to maintain a Government and its allies is made available to the men who defend us, to the families who have lost their husbands and their orphaned children.

Lack of means

Núñez Feijóo has regretted, after speaking with agents injured by the attack “of the boat full of gangsters who were committing criminal acts”, that in a country like Spain The mafias have “more resources, infinitely more powerful, than those of the State security forces and bodies.”

In his speech at the electoral rally, the leader of the PP assured that the injured agents recognized that “they had no means“and that by “instructions from the commanders” they went out into a “rough” sea in an inflatable boat to confront another that surpassed it in power and size.

In this way, he said, “real politics implies that when there is a ruling, decisions are made” and on the same morning “of the murders” the minister had said in the area that the means were “sufficient” and at night they died. two agents “destroyed” by a “gangster boat.”

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