
HOLY WEEK CÓRDOBA | The countdown begins for a new Holy Week in Córdoba

In just a few days, February 14th, returns to the calendar on Ash Wednesdaythus begins the countdown of what will be the arrival of the new Easter which will begin on March 24, Palm Sunday.

The Lent is undoubtedly the time of preparations, the time to leave everything pristine for the arrival of a new Holy Week. A Lent that this year will leave us with an extraordinary procession of Our Father Jesus of Calvary, which on Saturday, March 3, will celebrate the 300 years of its blessing in the Cathedral. After an extraordinary kiss and a mass of thanksgiving in the Cathedral of Nuestro Padre Jesús del Calvario, he will return to his canonical seat, the parish of San Lorenzoin procession and accompanied by a music band.

It will be a Lent also very special for the brotherhood of the Palm trees since its owner, the Most Holy Christ of Piety, will preside next Saturday in the Cathedral over the via crucis of the brotherhoods. And so between services, costaleros rehearsals, distribution of site ballots and completion of premieres, Lent will pass to end on Palm Sunday.

This year the restructuring of the pallium of the Marian head of the brotherhood of the Fallen will begin AJ González / Manuel Murillo / Óscar Barrionuevo

The Vespers

But before the arrival of Palm Sunday we will attend vespers, a day where the brotherhood of the Presentation of the neighborhood of sugarcane that after failing to reach an agreement with the Grouping of Brotherhoods to enter the official race will remain this year on Passion Saturday.

For its part, the pro-brotherhood of the O, Fatima neighborhoodwill process for the first time its owner Our Father Jesus of the victory.


In recent weeks the brotherhoods have had the last meetings of the day to configure and outline the details of Holy Week that is already around the corner.

A Holy Week that will arrive with different news without a doubt the most notable will be the transfer of the brotherhood of the True Cross from the Holy Monday until the afternoon of Palm Sunday. An afternoon that has had to adjust the schedules to adapt to the new situation, going from five brotherhoods to six.

The brotherhood of the Sentence will leave its brotherhood house for the first time. AJ González / Manuel Murillo / Óscar Barrionuevo

Maybe the The brotherhood of Love has been most affected, when both brotherhoods arrived from the other side of the river. The Cerro corporation announced weeks ago that upon returning to its temple, the parish of Jesús Divino Obrero, you will pass through the avenue of Friar Albino instead of the Plaza de Santa Teresa as it had been doing, in order to expedite the entry of the brotherhood of Vera-Cruz into the parish of San José and Espíritu Santo (Field of Truth).

Also on Palm Sunday the brotherhood of the Rescuedwith the intention of speeding up the pace of his station of penance, he will leave his temple ten minutes later compared to last year and enter an hour earlier.

Without abandoning Palm Sunday the brotherhood of hope It has also changed its route going to the Cathedral, thus the corporation of Saint Andrew After leaving his temple, he will continue along San Pablo Street, heading towards the Plaza de las Tendillas looking for Doctor Fleming to access the official career.

They will not be the only changes of Holy Week, on Holy Monday brotherhood of the Sentence your route will also be altered since this year he will leave for the first time from his new brotherhood house located in the Saravia passage. This change will mean that the brotherhood, both on the way there and back, will adopt an itinerary that includes streets hitherto unknown to the brotherhood of San Nicolás. Regarding the procession of Nazarenes, the brotherhood has announced that it will be formed at the school of the Slaves of the Sacred Heart, close to its new brotherhood house.

The Christ of Piety will preside over the penitential via crucis of the brotherhoods. AJ González / Manuel Murillo / Óscar Barrionuevo

He too Holy Wednesday brings considerable news such as the change of order between the brotherhoods of the day, as well as the fifteen-minute advance of the entry of the first brotherhood in the official race. In this way, the brotherhood of peace She will be the second to enter instead of the thirdit will also shorten its route arriving at the Gardens of the mercy almost more than half an hour before. To save this time, the brotherhood on the way back to Capuchinos will take Capitulares Street to continue along Alfaros Street and Puerta del Rincón to enter the Jardines de la Merced through the east side door.

The brotherhood of Forgiveness has announced that it will modify the outward route for this year official race avoiding passing through Conde and LukeDeanes and Manríquez, enclaves of great aesthetic beauty but which, according to the brotherhood, pose many difficulties due to their narrowness.

He Holy Friday the brotherhood of Sorrows He intends to reach an official career for the Trinity and Doctor Fleming an artery that is increasingly busy with brotherhoods.


And like every year, Holy Week will come with premieresperhaps the most anticipated is the remodeling of the pallium of Our Lady of Greater Sorrow in her SolitudeMarian head of the brotherhood of the Fallenwhich will substantially change its proportions, a project that is directed by Álvaro Doctor and Rafael de Rueda.

Thus, as regards the goldwork of this pallium, The vents will once again take the original measurements given by the Sevillian Manuel Seco in 1930., these works have been carried out by the Cordoban goldsmith Emilio León. The scenes of the canopy will also be affected, so the lateral falls that were previously loose will now be in one piece. All the embroidery has been transferred to a new velvet in Juan Rosén’s workshop.

Definitely, There will be more premieres that will largely be exhibited this Lent in an exhibition that the Association of Brotherhoods is preparing and that will soon be able to be seen at the headquarters of the Cajasol foundation.

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