
The weather in Mairena del Alcor: weather forecast for today, Sunday, February 11

Today in Mairena del Alcora day is expected with clear skies during the morning and afternoon. However, as the afternoon progresses, the sky is expected to become overcast and become cloudy. During the night, the sky will be overcast and the presence of fog.

As for temperatures, they are expected to be cool during the morning, with values ​​around 9 degrees. As the day progresses, temperatures will gradually increase, peaking around 14 degrees during the afternoon. During the night, temperatures will drop slightly, staying around 13 degrees.

Relative humidity will be high throughout the day, with values ​​ranging between 70% and 97%. This means that the environment will be quite humid, which could generate a feeling of freshness.

Regarding precipitation, it is expected that there will be Scarce rain during the morning and afternoon, with accumulations of up to 1 mm. However, the probability of rain will be greater during the afternoon, reaching 95%. Overnight, the chance of rain will decrease, but will still remain at 35%.

As for the wind, the east direction will predominate throughout the day, with speeds that will range between 4 and 33 km/h. During the morning and afternoon, light winds are expected, with speeds of up to 14 km/h. However, during the afternoon, an increase in wind speed is expected, reaching 33 km/h.

In summary, today Mairena del Alcor A day with clear skies is expected during the morning and afternoon, but with the presence of clouds and fog during the night. Temperatures will be cool in the morning and gradually increase during the day. Light rain is expected during the morning and afternoon, with a higher chance of rain during the afternoon. Relative humidity will be high throughout the day and the wind will be light in the morning and afternoon, but will increase during the afternoon.

Information prepared using, among others, that obtained from the Meteorology Statal Agency. © AEMET. Data update date: 2024-02-10T22:42:12.

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