
IU replies to Yolanda Díaz: she sees the quotas in Sumar as “an error” and will enforce its territorial implementation

United Left Replies to the last proposal of Yolanda Diazwho has raised a quota system by which 30% is reserved of positions in the direction of Sumar to the parties that want to participate in its construction. A kind of confederal model that has not been liked in the ranks of IU, the only national formation that aspires to join the project and has described it as “mistake” this formula, considering that “IU’s political capital transcends 30%“of the Sumar organs, having a greater territorial structure that he will seek to enforce in the new project.

In a press conference held this Monday, the party’s co-spokesperson, Amanda Meyer, has openly questioned Sumar’s proposal, but has avoided a confrontational tone, claiming that the documents are under “debate” for the assembly that will take place on March 23, and advancing that they will continue “collaborating” to establish the political project of Yolanda Díaz throughout the country. A work that goes beyond 30%, as they have defended. “It is essential that spaces for coordination are produced in the territories, where IU is going to do what is necessary to weave those alliances,” the leader defended.

“For us it is essential to say that IU is not a feewhich is a federal organization that is going to put all its strength and its presence in territories to ensure that Sumar reaches the second phase of strengthening.”We do not want to talk about so many percent because it doesn’t seem real to us,” said Meyer, who insisted on highlighting “the capacity we may have in the different territories.”

“It is absolutely logical to think that IU does not represent 30% of Sumar’s space. We do not want to talk about how many percent because we believe that this has to be the result of the work of the territories where IU has an organization, has a network of councilors and where IU has to contribute so that this Sumar space is an alternative,” the leader, who has defended that this position has been transferred to Sumar, with whom they are “in talks.”

“The debate about the percentages is a mistake. We have transferred it and we are going to exercise that responsibility when this territorial deployment occurs,” continued Meyer, who assured that “IU’s political capital clearly transcends 30%.” “, he pointed out, before reiterating that “it is a mistake to talk about 30% and we must talk about how to configure Sumar beyond Madrid, throughout the state.”

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