
Armengol sees “positive” that Feijóo now wants a “political solution” for the Catalan conflict

Always from the position of prudence that he owes to his position as president of Congress, Francina Armengol has shown his “surprise” at the information that the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo studied for 24 hours the possibility of granting an amnestyas Junts demanded of them, and that if they were open to pardoning Carles Puigdemont if he surrendered to Spanish justice. Beyond that initial surprise, Armengol sees it as “positive” that the PP has understood that the territorial conflict in Catalonia must be resolved politically.

“The territorial conflict in Catalonia is a political conflict that is resolved through politics and formulas and solutions must be sought through politics. That position, in the end, is what is being expressed now,” said Armengol, in reference to the leader of the PP. At an informative breakfast organized by Nueva Economía Forum, the president of Congress admitted her “surprise” because the information that the PP is willing to grant a pardon to Puigdemont if the “conditions” are met It is not what conservatives have been saying in Congress.

Armengol has not stopped there. He has also pointed to the threatening evenings launched by the former president of the Generalitat himself about airing the conversations he had with the conservatives in the summer ahead of Feijóo’s investiture. “If you fear that something will be said, it is because There is something he has done that he cannot explain“said the president, referring to Feijóo.

Amnesty and Congress

When asked by journalists, the president of Congress also spoke about the processing of the amnesty law proposal. Above all, the strategy that the PP is applying in the Senate, where they plan to slow down the rule as much as possible. “It would seem to me a very serious mistake that the Senate be used to provide a counterweight,” he said, without ensuring that this is happening. And, next, he pointed out that the Upper House should not serve to “put obstacles in the work of the Government or the Congress of the Deputies”.

Also tied to the amnesty, Armengol has been questioned about the insults that the Junts spokesperson, Miriam Nogueras, has launched against several judges. “The insults, the attacks, it seems to me that they are not suitable“, she maintained before remembering that she demands moderation from all the formations almost weekly. Even so, she said that the debate is not so much whether or not these words are removed from the session diary, but rather whether that is the “example” that Politicians are willing to give to citizens.

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