
Large companies and leading technology companies collaborate with the Alfonso X el Sabio University to create the first Faculty of Business & Tech in Spain

The Alfonso X el Sabio University has joined forces with large companies representing most of the industrial sectors such as MicrosoftIBM, Santander, Orange Bank or KMPG, among others, to listen to their talent needs and align them with the institution’s training offer educational, giving rise to the Business & Tech Faculty.

It is the first faculty in Spain that unifies training in the fields of business and technology, training students with knowledge to lead and understand how to apply technology to business, to generate business ideas with impact, scalable and that respond to real-world needs.

“The speed of adoption of enabling technologies is revolutionizing business models, the relationship between company and customer, or the way we learn. It is also profoundly transforming professions and From the university we have the responsibility to prepare students to understand technology with purpose and fully integrated into their profession,” said Isabel Fernández, rector of the Alfonso X el Sabio University.

Technological advances have been the engine of change in the business world in recent decades, allowing companies to innovate, grow and remain competitive in a constantly evolving labor market. A convergence between both areas that has led to the full integration of technology in business management, transforming companies and professions and creating talent needs qualified in new digital and technological capabilities.

Alexandra Hernández López, Santander X Manager at Santander Universities highlights that “we have transformed into a company driven by technology. To ensure our growth and contribution to global development, we need professionals prepared to join this new scenario.” An idea that María Ruibal, head of People & Culture at Orange Bank, reinforces, stating that “IT stopped being a support and became part of our core business.”

The Business & Tech Faculty is thus the result of the evolution of the UAX educational model, which for 30 years has had degrees in these areas, among others, as well as methodologies aligned with the talent demands of the labor market. For this reason, this faculty integrates degrees such as Artificial Intelligence and Computing, Business Analytics, Mathematical Engineering, Physics, Marketing, Law or ADE. Technological degrees compulsorily incorporate a certificate in business, such as the Degree in Mathematical Engineering with Certificate in Digital Business; while business degrees include a certificate in technology, such as the Degree in Business Administration with Certificate in Technology for Driving Transformation.

Pilar Villacorta, director of IBM’s Academic Sector for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel, highlights that “it is important to promote the practical training of students, since knowledge about technology requires knowing what its application entails in a field.” business”; while Eva García, Partner responsible for KPMG Lighthouse of KPMG in Spain, highlights that “Students must be prepared to be flexible and know how to adapt to the changes that the market undergoes.”. “We don’t know what is going to happen in the coming months”; For his part, Manuel Abellán, director of Higher Education and Universities at Microsoft in Spain, assures that “it is essential to collaborate with educational entities on initiatives that help train qualified talent with the skills that companies are really requiring. The UAX has been able to detect this demand, which it responds to with the new Faculty of Business & Tech.”

This need is answered by the UAXmakers methodology, with which students work on real projects aligned with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda together with leading companies such as Quirónsalud, CaixaBank, Avanade, Ecoalf or Telefónica, among others. The Business & Tech Faculty also promotes student support throughout their training through mentoring and coaching and provides you with experiences together with leading companies, organizations and professionals in the world, to inspire them to find their professional calling and make their purpose a reality.

New Campus

The Business & Tech Faculty degrees are taken at the UAX campus in Villanueva de la Cañada, with more than 30 years of history, and now also at its new vertical urban campus next to the business and financial center of Madrid, at Arapiles 13.

In these facilities, UAX creates an ecosystem in which students, researchers, startups, companies and investors coexist, promoting their learning through dialogue and the development of joint projects. To this end, the new Arapiles campus of UAX has 12,000 m2 spread over 18 floors, and with spaces such as the Liquid Studio, a space shared with companies and startups installed on the campus where students can collaborate and create innovative projects together with professionals. and active managers; the Fab Lab, equipped with state-of-the-art devices for the development of engineering projects technology computational, design with 3D printers, laser cutters, robots or virtual reality; or the Rooftop, a rooftop with a 360º view of Madrid, which will inspire students and professionals located on the new campus.

With this new building, UAX complements its facilities and offers a multi-campus experience to its students, who can enjoy American-style university life on its campus in Villanueva de la Cañada, and the integration and proximity to the business world in this new building in full heart of Madrid.

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