
LUCENA FLAMENCO GUITARIST | Lucena rescues one of her artists from oblivion, a 19th century flamenco guitar virtuoso

Recover from oblivion the figure of one of the greats. The City Council of Lucena will pay tribute 126 years after his death to one of the most important flamenco guitarists of the 19th century Francisco Díaz Fernández (Lucena 1859-1898). For this, a sculpture by Javier López del Espino and a book titled Paco de Lucena, from genesis to sunsetby Francisco Calzado Gutiérrez, a very special work that represents an investigative story sprinkled with the sources and newspaper archives consulted. In the presentation, the author will invite you to discover the character in seven windows, each one with a significant title and a poem that introduces the life and emotions that the character experiences in each of the stages of his physical and artistic life.

The first is the Genesis Window, where his origin and his family tree are discovered in which there are very particular circumstances, his family and social environment in the first years of his life in his town.

The second delves into the dream of a child who wants to be an artist and narrates the brilliant learning and the key people for his musical training. The following talks about desire and shows his personality and maturity, the rapid expansion of his fame and the meteoric conquest of his first stages, Málaga, Córdoba, Seville, Madrid, among other great tablaos.

In the fourth, we talk about the triumph, the first European tour, forming a key piece of Antonio Calzadilla’s company, which includes an entire stage set that was highly acclaimed by different audiences, and which toured the best stages in the cities of Paris, Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava, Liege, Brussels, etc. The next one of them looks into delirium, He toured all of Spain from north to south and from east to west, without stopping, definitively consolidated as an exceptional guitarist, and made the leap to America, Cuba, and Chicago.

The penultimate one makes clear its destiny as a top-level concert artist, on his second return to Paris, where he performed before Queen Elizabeth II, and the Spanish ambassador to France, in the most exclusive theaters and salons of the moment: Sala Erard, Teatro Roskoft, Galeríe Vivienne, etc. The last one analyzes his genius, his music, everything that was said by personalities, artists, writers, poets, journalists and the public who followed him and announces his decline, his death and oblivion in the land of he.

Thursday, February 15 in the Plaza de San Juan de Dios

The inauguration of the monument sculpture, the work of sculptor Francisco Javier López Del Espino, will take place on Thursday, February 15 in the Plaza de San Juan de Dios at 6 p.m. in the presence of the mayor of the city, the heritage delegate and the sculptor and Francisco Calzado, biographer of the guitarist. The event will feature a musical performance by the guitarist Roman Carmona. Later, at 8:30 p.m., at the Palacio Erisana Theater in Lucena, the biographical book will be announced. Paco de Lucena, from genesis to sunset, work of Francisco Calzado Gutiérrez. This is a very special work with which the author pays tribute to the flamenco guitarist. In addition to the presentation of the book, edited by Chemi López of La Droguería Music Production, who has taken care of the editing and recording of the CD that it includes, the literary journey will be presented by Rafael Ramírez and accompanied musically with the special collaboration of guitarist Alejandro Hurtado.

Later, at 8:30 p.m. at the Erisana Palace Theater in Lucena, the book presentation will take place Paco de Lucena, from genesis to sunset, work of Francisco Calzado Gutiérrez. In addition to the presentation of the book, edited by Chemi López of La Droguería Music Production, who has taken care of the editing and recording of the CD that it includes, the literary journey will be presented by Rafael Ramírez and accompanied musically with the special collaboration of guitarist Alejandro Hurtado. Entrance is free and open until full capacity.

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