

He murder of two civil guards in Barbate has highlighted the lack of means of law enforcement agents in Campo de Gibraltar to fight against drug traffickers. The criminals used a powerful boat with which they attacked the Benemérita rubber boat.

Drug traffickers hide their boats in piers and warehouses in the area, but two years ago a hiding place was uncovered unexpected due to its distance from the sea: The traffickers used enclaves in the province of Cordova thinking that no one would look for them there.

It did not happen like that, since The Security Forces thwarted the plans of the drug traffickers in an operation which resulted in fifty arrests. It happened almost two years ago, in April 2022.

The operation

The investigation began in month of March of the year 2020 when the agents of La Línea de la Concepción identified an individual who was circulating with a large amount of nautical material used in narcolanchasas well as a significant amount of money hidden in his vehicle, which could be serving large criminal organizations.

Following this lead, the agents found out that the main leader of an organization in the La Línea area, a well-known local drug dealer Given the strong police pressure in the area, he would have decided to establish new ties with another well-known criminal organization based in Seville.

Video: this was the 2022 operation in Córdoba:

‘Narcolanchas’ in Córdoba

The Seville city network was led by a man with a long history of issues related to drug trafficking and a specialist in introducing large quantities of narcotics through the Guadalquivir River. Both organizations had a large logistical network, through which they transported semi-rigid boats and large displacement engines from outside Spain to industrial warehouses located in different locations in Seville and Córdobawhere they were prepared and guarded until the day of launching.

This entire logistical framework required drivers of heavy duty trucksmechanics in charge of setting it up and preparing it for launching, pilots, boats and trucks with an economic value of more than half a million euros and used exclusively for these activities.

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