
Sánchez’s ministers launch themselves against Feijóo after the PP considers pardoning Puigdemont

“If Feijóo did not depend on Vox, he would have approved the amnesty” to govern with the votes of Junts. This is the thesis that Pedro Sánchez has been maintaining since before the investiture and that now the Government believes they see ratified after learning that the leader of the PP explored this option in conversations with Junts last summer, to throw it away in practically 24 hours, but consider a pardon for Carles Puigdemont. A measure of grace that, as published by El Periódico de Españafrom the Prensa Ibérica group, at the PP leadership defend as “a possibility” if there is “an interest in real reconciliation” and an express renunciation of unilateralism.

It didn’t take long for the socialist ministers to come out in force to attack the PP and delegitimize its opposition strategy. “The audacity of Feijóo’s PP has no limits. He said that he is not President because he did not want to and hid from the Spanish that he was willing to grant pardons. Faced with his lies, Government will continue working for coexistence in Catalonia and throughout Spain,” the first and number two vice president of the PSOE said, Maria Jesus Monterothrough the social network X.

The rest of the socialist ministers have used the same social network to confirm their decision to promote an amnesty law with the argument that the PP would not hesitate to do the same. “We know that we are right doing what we do. We knew it wasn’t going to be easy. We knew that time would prove us right. What we didn’t know was that Feijóo was going to recognize it so soon,” said the Minister of Transport. Oscar Puente. The head of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albares, pointed out that “the Government has been working for years to recover the understanding, coexistence and normality that should never have been lost. After so much tension and falsehoods, Feijóo and PP now recognize that everything was imposture and that the Government is doing what it should.”

The Government spokesperson and Minister of Education, Pilar Alegríahas raised the tone to criticize that “the PP “He only knows how to move in the mud and lies.” and that “after so many attacks and reproaches, the truth comes to light.” “Feijóo weighed the amnesty and now proposes the pardon for Puigdemont”, he emphasizes to conclude that “at this rate, next week he will demonstrate against himself.” Arguments similar to those followed by other ministers such as Ángel Víctor Torres, Diana Morant or Elma Saiz. The head of Territorial Policy has disfigured the PP that “they always react badly and at the wrong time, instead of recognizing progress from the beginning.” “As I said yesterday,” he continues in a message on networks, “the amnesty is not a problem for Spain. It is a problem for the PP, which is full of contradictions,” they add to reproach that “they have lied” and deceived.”

The heads of Science and Social Security emphasize what they call “lies” on the part of the PP to disavow their position regarding the pacts with the independentists. “The PP protests, the insults and threats in Ferraz, the accusations in Congress and in the media were lies. All to cover up the truth: Feijóo did want to be president, but he couldn’t. They lie, even though they destroy coexistence and democracy,” Morant reproached. For Elma Saiz, “behind all the insults, all the attacks on the headquarters and yoda the tension caused: a lie.”

The Government does not consider that the proposal for pardons by the popular people, according to the same information provided by this medium, is linked to the existence of “a real interest in reconciliation”. That is, the commitment to respect legality, sentences, the Constitution and respect for the rule of law. THE PP would have offered to grant a pardon to the ‘ex-president’ and the other escapees if they had really decided to return to Spain, surrender to Justice, accept a sentence and renounce the unilateral route.


The other thesis of the Government that is ratified by the reflections launched by the Genoa leadership is that there was no terrorism during the ‘procés’. Precisely, the indications that the judge of the National Court, Manuel García Castellón, points out in his order regarding the cause of Democratic Tsunami which, among others, would place the former Catalan president outside the perimeter of the amnesty. The sources close to Feijóo cited by this media now acknowledge that they see “difficulties” in truly proving that Puigdemont committed terrorism crimes. The popular ones continue to defend that there was “terror” in some riots in Catalonia, but they change their strategy and affirm that “They are not judges unlike the Government.”

The Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, joked that, coinciding with the Goya awards, “the PP and Feijóo tell us that their apocalyptic opposition to the amnesty is just an interpretation” and that “they know that there was no terrorism and they want reconciliation and pardons.” After that, he wondered if the PP “will apologize for the atrocities they have said to us.”

In the PSOE they rushed to ask for explanations from the PP after Puigdemont clearly threatened in a letter sent this week to the MEPs that “everything will be known” and that the accusations of terrorism would not come forward if he had invested Feijóo with his votes. The President of the Government himself, Pedro Sánchez, assures in an interview this Sunday in the newspaper ‘La Voz de Galicia’ that “I am convinced that, if Feijóo did not depend on Vox, he would have approved the amnesty. He came to speak with Junts. Some conversations never clarified. “Aznar pardoned 1,400 people in a single day”.

The leader of PSC, Salvador Illanor does it take advantage of the change in position of the popular ones to claim that “pardons and amnesty are necessary measures so that Catalonia can turn the page. We have been working for a long time to make this happen.” However, it has been regretted that “it faces “Always on the contrary, we have had a PP that, at the expense of Vox, has never cared about reunion or coexistence.”

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