
Sánchez censures “the structural violence” suffered by women “in all areas”

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezhas attacked this Saturday “against the structural violence that manifests itself in all areas of social activity or economic activity, is just as serious”, as he stated upon his arrival on the pink carpet at the Goya Awardswhich are held in Vallladolid, where one of the most talked about topics has been sexual violence in cinema.

And since it is serious, I believe that we cannot trivialize structural violence. that represents gender violence nor can we let our guard down,” added the President of the Executive.

In this regard, he has pointed out that since The Government “always” have been “very critical of those who have trivialized or trivialized the violence suffered by many women” in Spain, highlighting the “commitment to their security and to passing laws that in effect protect that security and guarantee that they can escape this circle of violence.”

In addition, he referred to the words of Los Javis and Ana Belén, presenters of this gala, “regarding this issue.” “They said that they wanted a healthy industry because they wanted a healthy society. And I believe that eradicating this structural violence is first the responsibility of men and is a citizen commitment, it is a civil commitment of each and every one of us and, logically, of the public institutions that we represent the majority will to end this type of violence“he specified.

In this regard, he highlighted the recent creation, by the Ministry of Culture, of an office to assist victims of sexist violence.

On the other hand, Sánchez has also once again referred to the song ‘Zorra’ by the duo Nebulossawhich represents Spain in Eurovisionand has emphasized that “culture is culture”, while joking: “I haven’t danced it.”

Before the start of the gala, the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtarsun has also sent “a message of support to all women, especially women who have reported cases of sexual abuse.”“, highlighting the office created by his Ministry that seeks to “accompany those women who have suffered a case of sexual assault and, secondly, create prevention policies.”

“We owe that to the women of culture. We will act so that there is a safe culture for all of them“, he claimed. The minister has also expressed his “congratulations to all the nominees on a magical night for Spanish cinema”, which he described as “reflection of a great year”.

“We have made a record at the box office, we have reached the levels of 2021 again, nominations for the Oscars, many small productions and, therefore, congratulate the entire sector and, above all, wish good luck to the nominees tonight “, he indicated.

“Remember that Culture is the most important phenomenon in our liveswhich makes us feel human, makes us laugh, cry, get excited and change our lives,” he noted, while lamenting the “multiple forms of precariousness” that exist in the sector.

The second vice president and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has also expressed herself in favor of women., who attended the gala. “I tell you again that in our country it is over, that we are going to take all the necessary measures to prevent, to accompany and to continue denouncing abuses in the cinema and in the culture of our country,” she stated.

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