
Sigourney Weaver excitedly collects the International Goya and speaking Spanish

The actress Sigourney Weaver has emotionally and, at times, with a speech in Spanish, collected the international Goya from the hands of director JA Bayonnewhom he has affectionately called ‘Jota’.

Bayona, who directed her in ‘A Monster Comes to See Me’, a work for which she was nominated for the Goya for Best Supporting Actress, welcomed her on stage with a bow. “She’s a legend. The queen.”

Words that the actress was grateful for when she saw the audience on their feet, applauding her arrival. “You make me feel like a queen.”

“Thank you to my friend, film teacher, thank you for such a nice speech and congratulations – for your film and the Goya Awards received-. “I feel a deep honor to be here tonight with all of you and receive this award from you Jota.”

Weaver has praised the “extraordinary family of artists and filmmakers of Spanish cinema. I am full of gratitude,” she said upon receiving recognition from a country that has produced so many cinema masterpieces such as ‘Viridiana’ by Luis Buñuel or the recent ‘ The Snow Society’ by JA Bayona “a film of such delicacy and beauty.”

The actress recalled that she has never wanted to disappoint the public in choosing her roles and has mentioned how proud she feels to be an actress.

“I have never wanted to repeat myself; I have always gone in search of stories for women that remind us that we are powerful and surprising,” he noted.

In a funny way, he has had a very affectionate memory for the dubbing actress María Luisa Solá.

“He has dubbed me in more than 30 films. My friend Bill Murray – an actor – always says that my interpretation is better in Spanish. My voice actor should be here. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

And he concluded by highlighting the great honor that has been receive the prize. “I want to come every year” and she said goodbye with a warm “enjoy the night, my friends.”

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