
Sirera denies a change in the PP with the pardons and emphasizes that the “conditions are repentance and asking for forgiveness”

The leader of the ranks PP at the Barcelona City Council, Daniel Sirerahas denied any change in his party’s position with the pardons to those prosecuted or convicted for the ‘procés’ in Catalonia. “The conditions are the repentance and ask for forgiveness“, he said this Sunday during an interview on Catalunya Ràdio. The conservative politician has referred in this way to the information that the popular leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, would be open to conditional pardon to the former president Carles Puigdemont and the rest of the escapees.

Sirera has stressed that the PP demands Puigdemont, fled in Belgium, “the same” as the rest of the people who want to benefit from this measure of grace. Is that surrender to Spanish justice to be judged and, if he wants a pardon, to repent of his actions and ask for forgiveness. “They are two fundamental and basic conditions.”

“No, it has not changed (the position on the pardon), we are always saying the same thing. We are not the PSOE, we do not traffic with Spain. We defend Spain and its legality,” the Catalan conservative leader concluded.

Sirera met last August with Albert BatetPuigdemont’s trusted man and president of Together in the Parliament, and the vice president of Junts and councilor in the Barcelona City Council, Josep Rius, in a hotel in Barcelona before the Congress Board was elected, as Sirera himself admitted months later.

Regarding the amnesty, Sirera reiterated this Sunday that it is “anti-constitutional” and has flatly rejected that his party is going to approve it.

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