
CORDOBA POLITICS | We ask the mayor to mediate to avoid the closure of two schools

The municipal group We make Cordova has made an appeal in a statement to the mayor, José María Bellidoto urge the Junta of Andalusia to “reconsider your position” of closing two public schools in the cityspecifically Alfonso Churruca and Duke of Rivas. The left coalition “rejects” this measure, considering that it demonstrates the “lack of commitment of the Andalusian Government of the PP with the public”, in this case with the education public.

Furthermore, they point out that the mayor’s “silence” in the face of this situation shows a “lack of attention to the needs of neighbors and neighbors of the Poniente Norte district, who will be affected by being left without two of their public schools.”

Support for teaching staff

The coalition emphasizes the “importance” of public education, praising both the “teaching staff and the families who rely on it.” “The mayor cannot continue being the puppet of the lord Moreno Bonillamust defend the interests and rights of Córdoba citizens above partisans.”

In this sense and to avoid “excuses” such as the lack of boys and girls, the coalition is once again asking the mayor to launch a campaign to encourage enrollment in public schools in the city, underscoring its role in guaranteeing “equality in access to educational resources.”

With the beginning of the open days in public schools in Córdoba For the next academic year 2024-2025, Hacemos Córdoba considers it “crucial” that the City Council promotes a promotional campaign, in the media, social networks and mupis, highlighting the “values ​​and benefits” of public schools.

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