
Sumar believes that the guarantees will “raise the market price”

Aid to alleviate the problem of access to housing divide coalition partnersafter the Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday a ICO guarantee line of 2,500 million of euros for the purchase of a habitual residence for young people and families with dependent minors. A proposal led by the socialist wing of the Government that Sumar didn’t like itwhich believes that this measure will contribute to increasing market prices.

The second vice president of the Government herself, Yolanda Diazhas considered that these guarantees represent a “promotion of home purchase, which is “protected with the guarantee of 20% of public income.” The “impact” of this measure, Díaz highlighted, is that they will “continue to raise the price of housing.” Díaz has admitted the existence of “discrepancies” within the coalition and has considered that The socialists “prioritize the purchase of housing in the private sphere”compared to the promotion of the rental guarantee that Sumar wants to promote.

The leader has pointed out housing as “the main problem in our country after unemployment”, and has highlighted that “it is impossible to live on rent in many cities in our country.” Thus, she has admitted the existence of “concern” in Sumar regarding the approval of what she has defined as a “failed policy.”

Yolanda Díaz has also urged the socialist wing to “immediately publish benchmarks in the stressed areas”, something that was included in the coalition government agreement. He assured this a few minutes after the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodriguezconfirmed at a press conference from Moncloa that this index will be approved throughout this month.


Opposition to this measure has also come from Sumar’s allies; from IU, the deputy Toni Valero has considered that “is not the correct line“.”Housing policy has to be aimed at limiting rental prices in stressed areas,” he defended at a press conference in Congress.

The common people have spoken along this same line, and their deputy Gerardo Pisarello, who criticized Pedro Sánchez’s “election announcement” during a rally this weekend. “It is no coincidence that this advertisement in the middle of the Galician campaign has excited Ana Patricia Botín and the banks, which have multiplied their benefits,” he considered.

The deputy has warned that “these unconditional guarantees are not going to serve to make access to housing a public service”, and has considered that “What they are going to do is enrich the banks more and that these guaranteed homes fall into the hands of speculators and vulture funds.” At this point, he insisted that “the path has to be different.”

Pisarello has put on the table three measures that he believes are necessary, such as greater investment in public housing, as well as “controlling abusive mortgages and limiting rentals.” “We ask fewer unsupported election ads and more housing guarantee”.

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