
The Government fuels the differences between the PP and Vox after Feijóo’s turn with the pardons

The Government and the PSOE continue to delve into the turn of Alberto Núñez Feijóo in his relations with the Catalan independence movementafter PP sources explained that they were willing to grant a pardon to Carles Puigdemont, who came to study the viability of an amnesty for the process and who did not see a judicial path in the terrorism investigations of the former president of the Generalitat. The socialists consider that The turn may endanger the future of the opposition leader and the absolute majority of the PP in Galicia, which regional elections are held on Sunday. But this Tuesday they have also focused on a new flank within the attrition strategy: the gap in this sensitive issue between the conservatives and Vox, their main and almost only ally in communities and city councils.

Lies are the only political project of the PP“, said the spokesperson for the Executive and head of Education, Pilar Alegría, after the Council of Ministers.

Since Núñez Feijóo’s new attitude with Junts emerged this weekend, which has caused deep confusion in the popular ranks, the socialists had placed emphasis on the differences between the opposition leader’s speech towards his voters, to whom ha encouraged to demonstrate against amnesty and pardons, and what he “really” thought. But Alegría has also included among the victims of that “lie” the far-right party that he leads. Santiago Abascal.

“Even with the prompter”

“Freedom yes, but freedom to lie without fees. Feijóo even spoke with the prompter. Lying to his voters, his party and his partner, Vox. “Its balance sheet is a lie, opacity and hypocrisy,” continued the minister, who meanwhile has avoided giving details about the status of the negotiations with the post-convergents to approve the amnesty lawafter they voted against the rule at the end of January, considering that Puigdemont was not sufficiently protected from the judges.

On February 21, the Congressional Justice Commission will meet to try to seal an agreement. If this is not achieved, the amendment period could be extended by 15 more days. And if then the agreement is not possible either, the judicial file would collapse, on which Pedro Sánchez forged the support of Junts and ERC for his investiture. But the Government does not contemplate that scenario. “The objective is for this brave and restorative law to move forward.“, concluded the spokesperson.

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