
Sumar shields Yolanda Díaz with a system of closed lists that deactivates the internal opposition

Adding limits the internal opposition to Yolanda Díaz to the extreme, which will have assured control of the management body through a system of closed lists. This is established in the Regulations of the I Assembly of Sumar, which will take place on March 23 and where all the documents now promoted by a group chosen by the Galician (promoting group) will be ratified.

The only discrepancies that the vice president of the Government has admitted in her new organization are those that come from other formations, to which she has given a 30% of management positionss, in the so-called Coordination Group. A “ordered dissent“, as defined by the leader herself. Beyond that quota, the rest of the leadership will be the one chosen by Díaz, unless a candidate to lead the party obtains more support. Something at this time highly unlikely, as the Galician the main asset of the new formation.

One of the main criticisms by Podemos a Sumar has been the absence of primaries to choose from to electoral candidates. This issue was one of the great obstacles when reaching a coalition agreement for the last general elections, and has also been present in the failed negotiations to go together in Euskadi. Díaz’s argument was that they had no possibility of holding a process of this type, lacking an organic structure, a census of militants or internal rules that would allow voting.

The vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, speaks during a Sumar campaign event, at the Bahía Hotel, on February 9, 2024, in Vigo, Pontevedra, Galicia (Spain). Adrián Irago – Europa Press

Starting at the end of March, Sumar will have activated the machinery, with its sights set on being able to reach the european elections -where I know They will face Podemos for the first time at the national level – with a candidate ratified by its bases, and not only appointed by their leader, as has happened so far. However, it will not be until autumnwhen a second assembly is held, which they call the Constituent Assembly, where Yolanda Díaz can be ratified as leader -general coordinator-, in a term of up to four yearsuntil the next assembly is held and may be re-elected without term limits.


In this way, Díaz is assured of Sumar’s leadership until at least the end of 2028. And he will also have a placid leadership internally, since the management will be taken over by your own team. Sumar’s regulations for these votes establish a system of ‘iron lists’by which each person can “vote for a single team”, and is the most voted list the one that obtains all the positions of direction. “The people on the list who have received the most votes will be elected,” the text reads.

Frente apoque allow open lists and a point system where figures from different candidates can alternate and the results can mix candidates from various options, Sumar prevents this possibility. There are only two cases in which leaders from alternative lists could enter.

Yolanda Díaz, during her visit to Mexico last week. EFE

The first of them is that the winning list does not have enough candidates to completely fill the body, a case in which “the positions will be completed with members of the second most voted list.” The second is that one of the opposition lists achieves 5% of the votes; and in that case they will have a “proportional” presence in the management, although the document does not specify how to carry it out.


Furthermore, each of these lists are linked to a candidate to the general coordination, with Yolanda Díaz currently being the only candidate to direct the project. Thus, the regulations establish that “the teams must indicate what their General Coordination proposal is.” The situation that, for example, happened in Vistalegre 2, where Iñigo Errejón presented an alternative list to Pablo Iglesias but did not challenge him for leadership, could not occur in this way.

But even though the candidacy is linked to the list, Díaz will not be elected directly by the militancybut the election of this figure will be carried out later by voting by the Coordination Group – management – once it has been formed.” A simple majority will be enough to elect the general coordinator. This formula protects the figure of Yolanda Díaz, who You will be able to avoid facing a plebiscite on your figure, thus avoiding the wear and tear that entails. This method also ensures your broad election, as you are elected by a completely related leadership, which will elect its leader by simple majority.

The regulations establish that all members of this direction can apply to lead Sumar; an option that opens the door for leaders of other political formations that are part of that 30% quota reserved for parties to challenge Yolanda Díaz for leadership.

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