
The PSOE clings to Feijóo’s hesitation with the pardon to stop his fall in Galicia

The PSOE changes its strategy for the Galician elections 180 degrees. From quarantining the amnesty, to focus the focus during the Galician campaign on the progress of the economy and the social agenda, to bet everything on Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s hesitation with the pardon for Carles Puigdemont and the measure of grace. The person in charge of turning around the socialists’ speech in the 18-F campaign was former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who this Sunday charged during a rally in Ferrol against the “hypocrisy” and the “big lie” about the position of Genoa since the investiture agreement with Junts. “The next demonstration is going to be called by Feijóo against Feijóo or by the PP against the PP,” he ironically disavowed the popular opposition strategy.

Before Zapatero verbalized together with other PSdeG leaders the new strategy of the socialists to try to stop the deterioration that, according to the Gesop survey for Prensa Ibérica Galicia, would be accused -by falling from 14 to 11-12-, the socialist ministers were already They launched a rush against Feijóo. His maxim, delegitimize his opposition strategy and ratify the decision to promote an amnesty law with the argument that the PP would not hesitate to do the same. When the president of the PP tries to nationalize the Galician campaign to transfer the cost of the PSOE pacts with the independentists to the polls, the socialists enter fully into this framework to turn it in their favor.

Not only neutralize Feijóo, but push him into a quagmire in the last week of the campaign that already played tricks on him in the last general elections. The socialists now consider ratified the thesis they have been maintaining that “if Feijóo did not depend on Vox, he would have approved the amnesty” to govern with the votes of Junts. In Moncloa and Ferraz, the information that the leader of the PP explored this option has seen a golden opportunity in conversations with Junts last summer, to throw it away in practically 24 hours, but consider a pardon for Carles Puigdemont. A measure of grace that, as published by El Periódico de España, from the Prensa Ibérica group, at the PP leadership defend as “a possibility” if there is “an interest in real reconciliation” and an express renunciation of unilateralism. Conditions that, as Feijóo clarified this Sunday, do not exist at the moment: “I said and say no because the conditions do not exist.”

The clarifications of the leader of the PP, caught in the controversy, have only reaffirmed Ferraz and Moncloa with his story. “He’s fat,” said government sources. to advance that in the coming hours they will continue to direct their reactions to this change in position. “Everything will be known,” the party leadership pointed out to argue that this information was known due to the threat from Carles Puigdemont in a letter sent this week to the MEPs, to which he added that the accusations of terrorism would not go ahead. if he had invested Feijóo with his votes.

Zapatero already focused on explaining that the PP’s “lies” came to light due to the threat of the “everything will be known” by Carles Puigdemont. According to his account of the events, the former president issued this warning just a few hours before the PP did “damage control” and opted for “a controlled flight.” “If this is controlled, what will the uncontrolled situation be like?” he asked himself to predict that the PP “will have turbulence” and that “Ayuso is already warming up to jump onto the field”.

The black swan in the campaign that the PSOE wants to grab, as a last opportunity to combat the polls and push for an electoral reversal that in any case would be led by the BNG, has left the recipe used until now by the PSOE in second place. Without too many results at the moment, the bet was focused until Saturday night on redouble the announcements in an economic key.

Change of speech

Since the week before the start of the campaign, the President of the Government traveled to Navantia Ferrol to announce the construction of a new navy shipSánchez gave the starting signal to the expansion of the Barajas Airport, with an investment of 2.4 billion, he took the first Council of Ministers held during the electoral campaign to the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) -three weeks after signing the agreement with the unions- and this Friday announced at an institutional event in A Coruña the creation of the National Scientific Advisory Office.

The ad-based campaign with the support of the BOE and the Council of Ministers was not fruitful in the last municipal and regional elections. A strategy that does not now intend to be replicated in the face of 18-F, but rather to use it as support to reinforce the message that “Spain is going in the right direction, and that our economy is growing, creating jobs and doing so in complicated international contexts.” according to the party’s argument. Last Saturday, during a rally in Vigo, Sánchez announced that the Government will approve an ICO fund in the Council of Ministers this Tuesday to endorse the purchase of housing by young people endowed with 2,500 million euros.

The socialists argued that the PP wants nationalize the campaign and talk about amnesty because “He doesn’t want to talk about Spain doing well”. Faced with the “noise” they sought to respond with the banner of “useful politics” and temperance as a sign of identity. Impose the message of management and economic and job creation data at the state level as opposed to the Galician ones.

The socialist ministers, who are disembarking in Galicia to support the PSdeG candidate, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, like the former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Pedro Sánchez, now have the task of seeking hand-to-hand combat with Feijóo. Bet the mobilization on the last week of the campaign to uncover the alleged contradictions of the PPconvinced that an increase in participation in a few points of progressive voters will produce an electoral turnaround.

The thesis of terrorism

“The audacity of Feijóo’s PP has no limits. He said that he is not President because he did not want to and hid from the Spanish that he was willing to grant pardons. Faced with his lies, Government will continue working for coexistence in Catalonia and throughout Spain,” summarized the first and number two vice president of the PSOE, Maria Jesus Monterothrough the social network X.

The other thesis of the Government that is ratified by the reflections launched by the Genoa leadership is that there was no terrorism during the ‘procés’. Precisely, the indications that the judge of the National Court, Manuel García Castellón, points out in his order regarding the cause of Democratic Tsunami which, among others, would place the former Catalan president outside the perimeter of the amnesty. The sources close to Feijóo cited by this media now acknowledge that they see “difficulties” in truly proving that Puigdemont committed terrorism crimes. The popular ones continue to defend that there was “terror” in some riots in Catalonia, but they change their strategy and affirm that “They are not judges unlike the Government.”

The Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, joked that, coinciding with the Goya awards, “the PP and Feijóo tell us that their apocalyptic opposition to the amnesty is just an interpretation” and that “they know that there was no terrorism and they want reconciliation and pardons.” After that, he wondered if the PP “will apologize for the atrocities they have said to us.”

Feijóo’s leadership

The PSOE intends to deactivate the territorial debate and the effect of the agreements with the independentists from the perspective that the PP would not hesitate to consider similar solutions for “reconciliation.” The mobilization to recover ground is about pushing by fighting models, but also with the most emotional that change is possible in Galicia after four consecutive legislatures with an absolute majority of the PP. Fight the paradox that, according to his analysis, Galicians would like change but believe it is not possible.

The strength that recognizes the BNG It does not help their expectations due to the effect of the useful vote within the progressive vote, although in Ferraz they aim to scare away the specter of attrition and contribute to adding a progressive majority to align it with the central Executive. A more favorable scenario to face the electoral cycle that will continue with the Basque and European elections on June 9.

The PSOE leadership supports the thesis that a defeat of the popular party would complicate Feijóo’s continuity at the head of the party or, at least, weaken it for the European duel, calling into question its opposition strategy. According to Ferraz, the majority is tighter than the polls indicate and the last days of the campaign will have great relevance due to the undecided figures that before the campaign began it was close to a third of the voters.

The key will be, according to your reading, in the last seats at stake in A Coruña and Pontevedra. The two constituencies in which Add He has more options to obtain representation and thereby snatch the last deputy from the PP. If the platform led by second vice president Yolanda Díaz does not obtain representation, the progressive bloc could win in votes, but not in seats.

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