
The Board awards the work of the Bujalance health center for 5.9 million

He Andalusian Health Service (SAS) has awarded the works for the new health center of Bujalance for 5,871,235 euros to a temporary union of companies whose name has not been specified. The delegate of Health and Consumer Affairs, Maria Jesus Bottlehas reported that The term of the works will be 18 months.

The site that will house the new health center has more than 6,000 square meters that, at the time, were transferred to the City Council for sports use. Last year, the land management agreement was modified by the Heritage Directorate of the Junta of Andalusia to realize the availability of the Board of some 3,000 square meters where the new facilities will be located.

The Junta de Andalucía put the works out to tender last June 2023 and interested companies had until July 10 to present their offers. Botella has highlighted that the Board has worked to make this new center a reality and the “commitment to public health of the Government of Juanma Moreno with facts and realities, since the current health center of the municipality has become too smallwithout the possibility of expansion and with accessibility and mobility difficulties.”

The delegate has highlighted the work of “all Bujalance professionals, the six family doctors, six nurses, the pediatrician and all the social work and administration staff, for the great effort they make daily.”

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